Succession of Alain Mathot: peripheral sections vote Géradon



It will be Laura Crapanzano or Déborah Géradon … Place to the negotiations

Tuesday evening, the section Seraing Ville chose his candidate or rather his candidate since Francis Bekaert withdrew in favor of Laura Crapanzano, returning to at this point, things are less difficult.

Should the other sections still be swallowed by the pill? Impossible, however, since they decided to unite against the all-powerful Seraing-Ville section.

" Following Alain Mathot's decision to withdraw from politics, the sections of Seraing, Ougrée, Jemeppe and Boncelles wish to be part of a positive initiative aimed at building, together , the future of Seraing PS Faced with this exceptional situation, the sections decided to badyze together the options available to them, in the consensus.In this particular context, the sections of Ougrée, Jemeppe and Boncelles met each other tonight and unanimously appointed Déborah Géradon as the lead candidate to embody a new dynamic for the Sererians, and now a constructive discussion between the sections " , did they communicate in the early evening.

And as the statement says, place to discussions. But the weather begins to hurry a bit.

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