A suspect was arrested in the case of 4 arsons arrests occurred in the Domaine du Roi in Morville (Florennes). This is a young man not domiciled in the field.
Tuesday night, the police in the FloWal area have proceeded to the arrest of a young man following the arson occurred on Sunday and Tuesday at Fowl Alley in Morville. According to our information, this is a young French non domiciled in the field who lives with his companion.
They rented a cottage in the park. A cottage that was to undergo work and is part of the series of four fires. "
It's strange
Exclaims a local resident
> Four cottages were set on fire in three days at the Domaine du Bois du Roi in Morville.
> Our information about the arrested young man.
> An investigation was initiated and progressed very rapidly.
> Locals were living in fear of a new fire
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