Suspicious accounts on Twitter will no longer be counted as "followers"


 Suspicious accounts on Twitter will no longer be counted as "followers =" "title =" Suspicious accounts on Twitter will no longer be counted as "/>

<p> Twitter logo photographed on November 4, 2016 at company headquarters in San Francisco, CaliforniaJOSH EDELSON </p>
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Twitter users are likely to see their subscribers down, as the social network announced Wednesday that he was going to stop counting dubious "followers."

"This week, and around the world, we're going to remove these locked accounts from your subscriber count, so the number of followers on your profile may drop if it has locked accounts, "Twitter said in a post posted on a blog.

The social network explained that it locked accounts when it detected" sudden changes "in their behavior.

"Most users will see a minimal change in their subscriber count (a difference of four or fewer subscribers), while others with more followers will be able to experience it is more meaningful, "he added.

" We understand that this may be difficult for some, but we believe that fairness and transparency make Twitter a more reliable service for public conversations. " 19659003] Changes that an account is locked "may include, for example, tweeting a large number of unsolicited responses or mentions, misleading links or (the fact that) many accounts are blocking the account in question after been mentioned by the latter. "

Twitter then asks the person who created the account to change his pbadword to protect himself. The account remains locked until the social network has verified that "everything is working properly."

This is to ensure that the number of subscribers, an indicator of credibility, is reliable, according to Twitter.

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