Swedish wants summer budget deal


Dominique Berns

The Swedish woman worked hard this weekend of national holiday. At around 10 pm on Sunday, the "kern" separated without a final agreement, making an appointment tomorrow.

M Allegates the national holiday, the federal government did not put the negotiations on hold summer, which bear, remember, on the budget 2019, but also on the "jobs deal", the deal for employment carried by the Prime Minister, and on the partial listing of Belfius – to which no The coalition party does not oppose on the merits, but that the CD & V conditions an agreement on the compensation of the cooperators of Arco, the financial arm of the Christian Workers' Movement, which sank after the fall of Dexia. [19659005At10pmonSundaytherestrictedcabinetthe"kern"cametoanend-withoutagreementWorkwillcontinuethisMondayAccordingtoourinformationthenegotiationswereprogressingwellEarlierinthedayCharlesMichelhadheldseveralbilateralmeetingstounblockaseriesoffiles

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