Telecom: why the arrival of a fourth operator in Belgium could have a positive effect


Benoît July

The telecoms regulator does not evade the idea of ​​the arrival of a fourth mobile phone operator in Belgium. On the contrary, it sees a beneficial effect on competition and puts the doubts for the health of existing operators into perspective.

L recently confirmed willingness of the Minister of Telecoms, Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) to open the telecom market to a fourth mobile operator had caused a stir. Not only in the political cenacle – the absolute belief of the liberal minister in the virtues of competition may irritate, as well as his concern to be profiled as "the" defender of consumers … – but also to existing operators, fearing a war prices, and therefore a decrease in their margins – the share prices of Proximus, Orange and Telenet had immediately fallen in.

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