Telenet climbs, a new broker follows Mithra (+ Briefing)


The trade war between the United States and China undermines the European markets again this Wednesday. The euro contracts against the dollar

• The trend

The European stock markets suffer Wednesday afternoon in the wake of the Asian markets after Washington's decision of additional taxes on $ 200 billion of Chinese imports.

The euro


fades against the dollar

In Brussels, on Bel 20


dropped 0.65% around noon, the index of continuously quoted stocks under slightly higher pressure (-0.79%).

In Bel 20, the three biggest losers are Aperam (-2.6%), bpost (- 2.2%) and ING (- 1.7%). Telenet is distinguished in this table largely dominated by red with a gain of 3.8%. A broker has raised his recommendation on value. Ontex takes 1.7%

Excluding Bel 20, Asit Biotech is suspended the time of a private placement of convertible bonds. Mithra takes 1.8%. An badyst has begun monitoring the value with a purchase recommendation and a target price of 37 euros.

We can still remember the declines of Econocom (-5.1%), Balta (-3.9%) and Van de Velde (- 3.6%).

• The briefing Belgian actions

> Telenet


: Morgan Stanley raised his recommendation to "outperform" versus "neutral" before. Its target price remains at 60.20 euros



: ABN Amro reduced its target price to 16.75 euros against 17.75 euros before. The recommendation remains to "buy".

> BlackRock Investment Management reduced its short position on Ontex


from 0.79% of the capital to 0.72% on July 9th. Ditto for Adelphi Capital which rose from 1.01% to 0.63%

> Marshall Wace increased its short position on Bekaert


from 0.73% of the capital to 0.91% on July 9.

> Mithra


: Kepler Cheuvreux began monitoring the value with a recommendation to "buy" and a price target of 37 euros.

> Listing of shares Asit Biotech


is suspended this morning on the Brussels Stock Exchange. Biotech has launched a private placement of convertible bonds. Our article.

> Immobel


reports that it is finalizing the revitalization and development of the CEDET building in Warsaw. It is already fully rented before delivery. The first tenants will take possession of the premises in the second half of 2018. The press release.

> WorldQuant reduced its short position on Euronav


from 0.69% of the capital to 0.58% on July 9.

> Och-Ziff Management Europe reduced its short position on Greenyard


from 1.08% of the capital to 0.90% on July 9.

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