Terrorism: members of GIGN incognito in trains


Infiltrated in trains among pbadengers, you may come across them without knowing it. Elite gendarmes in civilian clothes will now travel on board with the mission of intervening in the event of a terrorist attack.

"We are chameleons, that is, we will not dress no and we will not behave with a train at 8 o'clock in the morning filled mainly with people who go to their work and a train at night.It adapts the dress, the language and the behavior " explains a soldier. ]

Measure from the United States

Nicknamed "Marshalls Train", these gendarmes are members of the GIGN trained to intervene in the confined space of a train train. There will be a few dozen scattered throughout the country to work in pairs alongside members of the railway safety.

"We can not say in advance which trains will be accompanied, it will depend on very specific situations, such as events or periods " indicates one of these men.

The system that already exists in French planes is inspired by the American Marshalls that were deployed in aircraft after the attacks of September 11, 2001.

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