Test of Mario Tennis Aces: the essential of the summer 2018?


With the summer holidays, many gamers, experienced or casual, are looking for "nomadic" games, likely to occupy their moments of idleness on the beach or elsewhere. Obviously, in the field, the Nintendo Switch meets present. So when a Mario Tennis Aces tip the tip of his racket, with its power multi-friendly, difficult not to take into consideration. Is the investment really worth it? Answer in our test

Mario Tennis Aces: we leave a racket … white!

It is about 16 months since the console Switch is available on the market. And if many hits are already available, the abundance of Wii U game remakes is getting boring. Fortunately, Mario Tennis Aces comes at the right time, being a pure Switch exclusive. Which is already an excellent point.

Nevertheless, if you are familiar with Nintendo licenses, you probably know Mario Tennis, declined many times over several media, in recent years. Yes but this time, Big N seems to have wanted to give more depth to his soft, just to extirpate it from its strait almost exclusively "multiplayer". Indeed, Mario Tennis Aces offers a gameplay more subtle than expected but also a story mode devilishly friendly.

Before getting into the thick of the subject, a small presentation of players and their skills is required. Because in Mario Tennis Aces, each hero (Mario, Bowser, Luigi, Koop, Boo, etc.) has its own characteristics, a little in the spirit of what is in force in a Mario Kart, for example. In addition, snowshoes also benefit from three advantages (power, resistance, durability), more or less high depending on the case. Additional rackets? Yes ! Because in this opus Switch, the player has the opportunity to unlock new rackets, composed of different materials and taking advantage, each, of its own characteristics.

Other usefulness of these additional rackets, the fact to have a door of exit, in full match, when yours breaks. Because, yes, the latter will likely give way, according to the brutality of the hits. Indeed, the introduction of the "hit instinct" will completely change the gameplay of the app. Because, to stop such a blow, it will press the keystroke button at the right time, otherwise you will damage your accessory before breaking it, ie after a third hit.

, this notion of timing will considerably increase the difficulty of soft, much less accessible than previous episodes. Because, in addition to all the clbadic shots of tennis (the opportunity to report that it is possible in "normal" mode ie, without special attacks), different powers can be used to beat the opponent . The "Instinct" Strike mentioned above is accessible once your fury gauge is inflated to the block, in addition to the special moves, available randomly, thanks to appearances of "star" zones on the ground. And to win with clbad but also, fill your gauge faster, you can also perform pirouettes before hitting the ball, by simply pressing the right stick of the joystick.

[19659002] Tortuous arenas

Let's move on to another big piece in gameplay, the playgrounds. Here too, it will be necessary to adapt to the environments since the pitches will sometimes have pitfalls like, for example , a huge pole positioned at the center of the net. Obviously, if the ball hit the latter, its trajectory would be turned upside down with the possibility of deceiving your opponent and vice versa. This is just one example of what can be found on the grounds of Mario Tennis Aces.

A solo mode of thunder! but too short …

In addition to these areas intended to play more or less normally in Tennis (all relative), mini-games have been designed, especially for the story mode. Yes because solo, Mario Tennis Aces surprises, using a downright catchy adventure, diversified and appreciable visually. Everything happens on a map, which must be browsed with the possibility of choosing, sometimes, several destinations. Level environments, sandy stretches alongside woods, clbadic tennis courts, Aztec ruins, pirate ship and even the manor of Luigi!

And not to tire players, Nintendo has imagined a system of alternating activities. In practice, it works very well since you will go from a target sighting game to a match against a mirror, through an avoidance session of the opposing player or to an original confrontation with a boss . Ultimate goal, collect gems, something that will not always be easy, given the difficulty of certain activities! It is also at this level that there is more to criticize, the developers have artificially inflated the difficulty of some mini-games to overcome the limited longevity of this story mode. Too bad, although that does not spoil the pleasure of play.

But, consequently, to progress, it will sometimes play many times the same stage, until your player improves. Indeed, according to his matches, the player will progress in all areas, whether agility typing speed or even speed. A facet that contributes, too, to this new interest generated in terms of gameplay. More subtle, yes, it is definitely the term that best suits this Mario Tennis Aces.

Mario Tennis Aces: effective modes of play but no surprises

Out of this solo mode, which will keep you in the air about ten hours (more or less depending on your level), other alternatives will extend the life of the cartridge. We think, first of all, of the online game that gives the opportunity to face an opponent in a random way and even to participate in mini tournaments.

Another very nice mode to play, the one exploiting the detection of Switch movements "Wii Sports way". Ideal to move a little in front of his console, while having fun locally, up to four on the same screen. Effective, especially in this summer period, both on the TV screen and on the nomadic side. Especially since, to solve the problem of visibility on the latter, you just have to opt for the giant ball, that you will not miss, unless you are totally miro. Ingenious!

Finally, tournaments will also be open locally, whether you are alone or with friends with or without a Switch console. Finally, in free game, all rules can be changed whether it is the format (single or double play), the difficulty of the I.A or the duration of the games. But we would have liked some advantages of possibilities side settings, which remain a little limited.

A word, finally of the aspect realization, to end on a good note. Graphically, this Mario Tennis Aces is really superb. Whether it's the map (solo) itself or scenery (forest, snow, desert, etc.), it's a great success. Fine and colorful textures, detailed environments and rich effects, perfectly modeled characters, you'll get for your money! No worries, either, framerate side, whether you play solo or with others, online or locally, on TV screen as mobile use. A faultless, again.

Regarding the soundtrack, we are typically in the spirit Mario, ie with known sound effects (no surprise, so) and music that you enjoy if you are amateur of the genre. Side grip, you'll understand, the joy-con are perfectly adapted to the situation. Still, all the same, some failures when using motion detection, but nothing unacceptable. No, definitely, Mario Tennis Aces proves to be of excellent quality, on almost all the plans.

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