Test – The Crew 2: a seductive suite for arcade racing lovers


After a moderately convincing first installment, Ubisoft has given itself the means to offer a bigger and louder suite to The Crew for more fun, more speed but also and above all more vehicles, in different categories. Is the bet on the road? Hang on your belts, the answer is over 300 km / h

Ivory Tower, the studio owned by Ubisoft based in Lyon, has worked hard to develop the suite of The Crew which was released in 2014 but which had not frankly marked the spirits. Taking back its open world stretching from the west coast to the east coast of the United States, The Crew 2 revises its formula with a focus on fun by now offering, in addition to racing cars, all types of motorized competitions.

On the road again

This time, the player has direct access to the entirety of the imposing map, which stretches from New York to San Francisco (journey time in car: about 45 minutes). The players of the first opus may regret to find the same sandbox, but we must admit that it is now much more pleasant to walk, thanks to enhanced graphics (but still not free of defects) but also and especially thanks to the new ways of exploring it offered by the multiplicity of vehicles. Indeed, you can discover the most beautiful spots in the country of Uncle Sam on the roads, but also in the air and on the water. Despite the often sketchy textures, it's a real pleasure to graze the feet of the Statue of Liberty, to pbad under the Golden Gate or to explore Monument Valley.

The map has been completely revised and also has been made livelier compared to the first part, with a flora and fauna (and traffic and pbadersby) rather rich for a racing game. Secondary quests will also ask you to dwell on the scenery, asking you to take for example photos of the landscapes and animals that you come across during your getaways. Guaranteed change of scenery!

Visually speaking, do not expect a Forza Horizon of last generation (few particle effects, regular clipping), but given the extent of the world that is offered to us and the quasi lack of loading time, we will not be too much looking, especially as we are entitled to effects of lights on the whole quite pretty.

The race for followers [19659002] The feeling of freedom felt is such that one would almost forget that The Crew 2 is a racing game. If we can indeed indulge in the tourist for long minutes, the game has a lot of races of all kinds to deal with twenty hours. If the game offers two new categories of vehicles (the boat and the plane) in addition to the car and the bike already present in the first part, it loads many disciplines and countless models of these machines. Everything is gathered in four big families (Street Racing, Freestyle, Offroad and Pro Racing) including each event that unfolds as and when we evolve. In the program, in bulk: races closed circuit, motocross, aeronautical figures, rally, drift, powerboat, monster truck, the list is unheard of in a single game! [19659005] Side history, you play a newbie who will have to make his weapons in the different categories mentioned above and pick up a maximum of followers to be in the small papers of a company that organizes extreme sports events that it broadcasts on the media. The most important of these events takes the form of "live" (six in number) which are multi-vehicle races in which you have to shine. In one second, we change gear to finish circuits combining pbadages on land, in the water and in the air. Once the first live unlocked, that is to say very quickly, the option is available in free exploration, for totally free wrinkles where, with a simple push on the stick, you can go from a car to a powerboat or a biplane. Grisant

The progression in the game is done by collecting new followers, which is done when you finish a race successfully (which also gives you parts of improvements) or manage to accomplish the challenges. This XP system, which is very much rooted in its time, also increases when you walk outside the tests, when you drive in the opposite direction of the traffic, when you do tricks, in short, when you do actions considered fun. This ultimately allows you to unlock new disciplines and purchase new vehicles to enrich the gaming experience as well as your garage. This is where you can customize your gear (and your avatar), like a good old Need for Speed.

Rush rush

There is in short, nothing else to look for in The Crew 2 except fun and speed. The driving sensations are generally good (even if the plane will require a little more control, its handling is close to what GTA proposed) and the title does not pretend to play in the yard of the simulation. Arcade, The Crew 2 is at the end of the tires with a physics that is not very realistic (the stakes and signs fly away as you pbad, the weather conditions change almost nothing to driving) and a little subtle and very permissive conduct, which is definitely not intended for the purists of simulation. Big flat to report however on the side of the motorcycles whose driving is totally strawberry.

The sensation of speed is nevertheless there, and you will always find a shortcut or a springboard to spice up the races a little more. Special mention for offroad races, which are markedly less well-marked than others and which will sometimes give you the impression of being (briefly) lost in the process.

And the Online in all that?

The first Crew of the name was meant to be the MMORPG of the racing game, allowing to form an online team or join an existing team to challenge his friends, cooperate to complete races or to simply show off in the face of the world. As before, it is quite possible to do without (even if you will inevitably meet other players en route) to complete the game allergic to all online will be thrilled while those come seeking a rich experience in the domain will have to be satisfied for the moment of the strict minimum. Ivory Tower, however, has some updates in hand to offer more advanced features in the future. In the meantime, the interest of the online is more than limited.

The +:

  • A beautiful feeling of freedom
  • The open world consequent and exotic [19659018] The various categories of vehicles
  • The switch, fluid and fast, between the categories of vehicles
  • A number of disciplines rarely seen on a single game
  • Very short time loading

The -: [19659017] Sometimes coarse textures

  • An anemic scenario, inconsistent characters
  • An arcade drive, devoid of subtlety
  • The online mode little exploited
  • Too few multi-vehicle races
  • The conduct of motorcycles
  • Conclusion

    The Crew 2 breaks a little the monotony of the usual racing games by the presence of a vast open world alive and countless disciplines to compete. By car, motorcycle, plane or boat, there is something to do in this title that combines shopping, challenges and free exploration. Speed ​​and fun are the watchwords in this 100% arcade title, which easily manages to entertain and disorient without sinking into repetition.


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