thanks to her, job will be created!


By Geoffrey Wolff

This is a beautiful gift that the one just made a Liegeoise Oxfam-Solidarity. The NGO has just inherited 1.2 million euros. A donation that will create jobs

It's Christmas before time for Oxfam-Solidarity. The NGO has just seen its bank account grow by … 1.2 million euros. This happy news is to the credit of a Liegeoise, a widow and without legal heirs, who decided to bequeath her fortune to this organization.

                     As far as we are concerned, it is a record donation
                    ", Says Philippe Schyns, head of large donations and bequests at Oxfam-Solidarité.

The Liégeoise explicitly wanted some of the money to be used to fight against poverty in Belgium and more specifically in the province of Liège. Oxfam-Solidarité will respect this wish

►► The exceptional gift of this Liégeoise will create employment

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