Last May, Microsoft unveiled an adaptive controller for all players with disabilities. And the firm of Redmond did not do things by half since the packaging was also very well thought out.
For all paralyzed, amputee or mobility-impaired players, Microsoft has the solution: a Bluetooth controller with two large programmable buttons and a directional cross. And above all, in the back, no less than 19 3.5mm jack ports, each replacing a button on the traditional Xbox controller (17 buttons and 2 badog sticks). In other words, each player can configure the controller as he wishes, by connecting devices he already has. If a player is amputated right arm, he can play with his left arm on the controller, and connect a pedal that will control the right side. As the name suggests, the controller adapts to many scenarios, and aims to replace expensive devices for all disabled people wishing to play video games, as explained by Gabi Michel from Microsoft: " These devices can be very expensive, sometimes thousands of dollars, they are tailor-made and you usually have to go to an badociation to get them, where you're often put on a waiting list. at Xbox, when we were looking for a hardware solution, we wanted to solve all these problems, we wanted this controller to be affordable, we wanted it to be expandable, easy to find, easy to use, configure, play. "
But an adaptive controller packaged in standard packaging would be counter-productive. That's why Microsoft has developed a box that makes unpacking easier. The user can easily open the shipping carton, pull on the different ribbons to lift the lid, or catch loops to get the handle out of its box. " We wanted every step to be as simple as possible, but the product box looks like any Xbox box, we did not want to create something that is different from other experiences, we want it to be part of our ecosystem "explains Mark Weiser, in charge of packaging. No question, therefore, to deliver the controller in a box to open with teeth, as many people with disabilities already do. In addition, the center of gravity has been lowered to improve the stability of the box.
So many good ideas to discover in the video presentation below. The controller will be available in the fall, priced at 89.99 euros.
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