The Ardentes: too many festival-goers for the Niska concert, … (Liège)


 The Ardentes: too many festival-goers for the Niska concert, the police intervene

The rapper Niska has attracted thousands of festival-goers

Photo News

The Festival les Ardentes was full on Saturday, an enthusiasm that was particularly vocal at the Niska concert. The police had to intervene to limit the number of spectators.

The festival-goers were numerous to want to attend the concert of Niska, a French rapper, on the stage of Wallifornia Beach this Saturday towards 20 h 30. A scene of which the maximum capacity approaches approximately 8,000 spectators. However, the growing enthusiasm of the festival-goers pushed the police to close the access to the site.

"There were between 9,500 and 10,000 festival-goers. To limit the accumulation and crushing of people we had to restrict access. We stood behind the scene, "said Liège Police Commissioner Alain Stevenin.

The number of people was so high that 25 of them had to be evacuated by the Red Cross during the concert. An evacuation that was done discreetly.

"At the police uniform, we stay mostly outside. The fact that we intervened within the festival itself is exceptional. It was for the safety of the festival-goers. But the atmosphere was clearly good-natured. "

The commissioner has described the Ardentes 2018 as reasonably calm, although the number of festival-goers is higher than in previous years.

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