The "balconying": the stupid challenge that wreaks havoc on the Bal …


They jump from their balcony to aim at the swimming pool of their hotel or climb the balcony next door: the "balconying", practiced by alcoholic tourists, remakes talk about him in the Balearic Islands.

Tourists dead or seriously injured after jumping out of their balcony: the "balconying" is again wreaking havoc in the Balearic Islands, warns a medical specialist of the subject.

After two years of decline following campaigns of prevention, this phenomenon is back in force in the Spanish archipelago, according to Juan José Segura, surgeon at Son Espases Hospital in Palma de Mallorca, capital of the Balearic Islands.

The "balconying" refers to the fact for tourists, especially British or Irish and often very alcoholic or drug addicts, to jump from the balcony of their hotel to try to dive into the pool or to gain another balcony.

This very dangerous practice often comes with challenges that these tourists embark on holiday in Archipelago

At least six cases of "balcony" victims have arrived at Dr. Segura's hospital since the beginning of the year, concerning British "Yes, and a Frenchman," he said. Three died and the others were seriously injured, paralyzed for some

It is already more than in 2016 and 2017 together, where the hospital had identified six cases in total of which no mortal.

Falls epidemic

"It seems that this year is not going to be like the previous ones and that we are going to return to the initial trend of the years 2010-2015, with 10 to 15 cases each summer", says AFP Juan José Segura, author of a study on "balconying."

His figures relate only to his hospital, which may suggest that other cases occur in the rest of the archipelago. The police and the regional government are not able to give an overall figure of "balconying" cases this year.

In the archipelago, just this week, three people fell from a balcony. The police are investigating these cases, which may not all be related to "balconying."

On Wednesday, a 14-year-old Irishman fell dead from the balcony of a hotel where he was staying with his mother in Mallorca, indicated the Civil Guard. It seems he was "playing on the balcony" and fell, said a spokesman.

The same day, on the island of Ibiza, a young man in his twenties fell from a balcony in circumstances for the time unknown. He is hospitalized in a serious condition. According to British media reports, it would be a city councilor from London.

And Friday, on the island of Formentera, the emergency services took charge of another man in his twenties fell of a balcony.

"In the prime of life"

The study of Juan José Segura, made over the period 2010-2015, identified 46 patients treated in his hospital after a "balcony". More than 60% were British, far ahead of Germans and Spaniards.

The fall is on average eight meters high, and all but one patient were men, aged 24 on average.

"See a young person, who has absolutely no problem, in the prime of life, with a thousand projects, all life before her, die or become totally unable to do anything for the rest it's really dramatic, "says Dr. Segura.

The doctor participated in awareness campaigns in Britain and in partnership with the UK Embbady in Spain. Local authorities are also trying to counter the problem.

"Hoteliers distribute leaflets, warn people," says Dr. Segura. Sometimes they place the young people they suspect may be "balconying" in rooms on the lower floors, he says.

And the town hall of Calvia, where is the seaside resort of Magaluf, known as the the capital of "ethyl tourism", has also taken steps.

Attempt to jump from one balcony to another is punished by a fine, the sale of alcohol in commerce is prohibited past a certain time and visits bars were also banned.

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