The Battle Royale is the new fashion in the world of video games
Millions of simultaneous players, YouTube channels that revolve around this (and which, incidentally, fill their pockets), moreover in addition to publishers attracted by the phenomenon. But the royal battles is also a battle between the editors as well as between the players.
Side players obviously, there are those who denigrate the genre and cry to the vandalization of the video game. A bit like those who think that playing Call Of Duty or FIFA does not make you a real gamer … but hey, as the Les Inconnus said, there is the good player, and the bad player. The problem is to find the border which obviously changes according to the point of view of each one.
Side publishers, it is obviously the chicken with the golden eggs and each one wants his henhouse. If Bluehole the publisher of PUBG met with a colossal success, he was screaming for gold when Epic Games launched his version of Fortnite in Battle Royale mode, it was however not the first on the market since before existed H1Z1 and DayZ in particular, both developed by a certain … PlayerUnknown . Because yes, the current artistic director of PUBG and who gives his name to the game ( PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds thank you for it, his ego is obviously very good), excuse the little, is the same at the origin of DayZ and H1Z1
One for all and all for one, he is the 4 musketeers of the Battle Royale all by himself. All alone not quite because to develop PUBG, it is the Unreal Engine which was used and which is none other than the engine developed by … Epic Games. In short, the world of the Battle Royale is finally a small world that alone gathers millions of players who spend most of their time killing each other because at the end, there must remain one in the case where, recluse in a cave since the year 2000, you had never got wind of all that.
One summarizes thus. Currently, the games of Battle Royale are essentially PUBG versus Fortnite and crumbs to others. Two genres, two moods. And it's hard for competitors to stand out, even for the old-timers like H1Z1, which is seriously starting to lose its players, even though a version has arrived timidly on PS4 in the spring of 2018.
is also complicated for newcomers. Thus the studio Boss Key Productions created by Cliff Bleszinski former of … Epic Games and notably known for having worked on Gears of War is at the foot of to close its doors, if it is not already done when he had just proposed an alternative yet not uninteresting to the two mastodons mentioned above with Radical Heights .
The studio at the head of Paladin (free game in 4 against 4 in arena and competitor of Overwatch ) has just released its version entitled Realm Royal . And it's not over, we're talking about a Battle Royale way Dark Souls maybe a special mode in Splatoon … it's madness, soon in Pac-Man while we are there …
But if we think about it well, Pac-Man is a Battle Royale finally, the last survivor winning the victory, specifications filled, even if this is not mbadively multiplayer, we find what makes the spice of these games: no scenario, adrenaline and no right to the mistake (well, we have 3 chances in Pac-Man). [19659003] The concept is not new and if we ignore the notion of multiplayer, we can even say that the video game is often essentially based on the victory of the last survivor. The real difference now is that you are not dealing with "MOBs" (computer-controlled characters who want you badly) but with real players like you and I.
That said , I digress a little, the true mode "Battle Royale" violent, involving to kill his neighbor in multiplayer comes especially from the movie Battle Royale himself the adaptation of a novel of K? Shun Takami .
Because we must not fool ourselves, the real nuance between a "Battle Royale" and a video game "clbadic", all that is here the salt of the genre, it is the fact that one plays not against the computer but actually against humans. One life (as soon as you die, you have to start a game again), 100 people on an island and … good luck. Nothing else, no scenario, only one playground (two or three at best), not really reward because most bonuses gleaned are only cosmetic. You can also buy them because for Fortnite for example, the game is free and the economic model is essentially based on the fact that you can buy equipment or "battle pbad" that give you challenges to take up. [19659002] No pay-to-win, just adrenaline, stress, a little luck and surprise, cunning, disappointment and joy. And then also the opportunity to play as a team of course that adds a dose of conviviality and humor to the genre (although, at a certain level, there is more humor but fierce competition, as in all game for e-sport.)
Because the Battle Royale is obviously the style of play cut for e-sport, although the duration of the games can be very variable despite the rules common to all games that see the area action to be reduced from minute to minute. One can reach 30 minutes of play in PUBG for example. A bit long for tournament matches.
Simple ingredients and yet a surefire recipe, one game never really looks like another, since everything will depend on the behavior of the other 99 players, but also on the loot you find on your way and which will allow your character to equip himself more or less correctly to eradicate his competitors and heal himself a little.
In addition to this, the gameplay is understandable by an 8 year old so everyone can play and even everyone has a chance. It did not take more to attract the millions of players therefore and to rake a maximum of money.
If you have not tried the adventure yet, you have to choose (or no elsewhere, both having their own universe and different enough to make you want to alternate according to the mood) between the fairly realistic version of urban guerrilla in PUBG and cartoonesque version of Fortnite building-based structures to protect you or
As for the mobile version, only PUBG is available on Android and iOS at the moment, and is very successful, less stressful and competitive and therefore more enjoyable if you just want to play from time to time. The fans of the apple can already feel Fortnite that should arrive later on Android.
Will fashion last? Will all publishers launch their Battle Royale at the expense of more scripted games?
No doubt it will last and stand out as a style of play in its own right and not just a fashion. And probably the field is conducive to the birth of other licenses, even if currently the market is really asphyxiated by Epic and Bluehole (especially since the release on mobile that adds to the addiction.)
As for the rarefaction of other styles of games, there is little chance that this happens. The game becomes more and more a narrative medium like cinema, literature and it will always have of of of of of the Days Gone as there will always be FIFA or Call of Duty.
There is no reason to fear the disappearance of scenario games (online or purely narrative to play alone at home) because they are two totally different styles but not antagonistic. The Battle Royale could be an easy solution for publishers but the absence of scenario, the duration of the games, the repetitive side of the Battle Royale will ensure that the limits will be reached quickly so that each publisher really brings a plus.
The Battle Royale is a new way of playing, especially on the smartphone and brings new sensations to the players. Let's not waste the pleasure of a little battle from time to time but let's not lose sight of the fact that video games have never been so rich in terms of proposals but also of quality in the games.
The Royal Battle does not will not kill creativity in the video game (but the opposite may be)! so let's have some fun
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