the body of the second victim was found under the rubble


By Océane Gaspar

The balance sheet weighed up on Tuesday night as part of the fire that ravaged five buildings, rue de Stembert in Verviers, Monday. . A second body has just been found under the rubble. The couple of owners, Myriam and Leon, had been missing since Monday. This Tuesday in the late afternoon, a first body had been found. It is impossible for the moment to formally confirm the identity of the two victims.

As we could unfortunately expect, a second body was found on Tuesday night at the scene of the fire that ravaged several houses rue de Stembert, this Monday. A first body was found on Tuesday at the end of the day on the stroke of 17 hours. However, it was still impossible to know who it was. As a reminder, Myriam and Leon, the couple of owners had been missing since Monday.

This Tuesday night, help was always looking for the second missing person they expect to find also under the rubble. The sad news fell on Tuesday night around 21 hours. "A second body was found in the ruins rue de Stembert. The stabilization works will continue tomorrow ", specifies the relief zone.

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