The CEO of the American channel CBS accused of harassment by several women


New York – CBS CEO Leslie Moonves is accused of badual harbadment by six women, whose testimonials were published Friday by The New Yorker magazine. Suspected facts that would have taken place over several decades.

Of the six alleged victims, four say that the former actor allegedly touched or forcibly kissed them. Three of them testified openly.

The earliest accusations date back to the mid-1980s, a time when Leslie Moonves had not yet joined CBS, which he joined in 1995. The most recent allegations date back to the early 2000s. [19659003] Several alleged victims also claim to have been threatened by the leader after they refused his advances and were professionally sanctioned.

In a statement sent to AFP by CBS, the 68-year-old leader, one of America's most inescapable figures, admitted to doing " decades ago " advances, that he " deeply regrets ", to women, but considers to have never engaged in badual harbadment.

" I have always understood and respected the fact that + no + meant + no +, and I kept to this principle ," he added. " I have never used my position to harm or hinder someone's career." "

– Laissez-Faire Culture –

Beyond the Case Leslie Moonves staff, the New Yorker article states that there was a culture of laissez-faire within CBS, which favored badual harbadment.

He cites other cases, including that of the star presenter Charlie Rose, who arrived last November after eight women accused him of harbadment or even touching.

In a statement sent to AFP, the channel considered that the image that was given of it in the article was not faithful to the reality, that of a society, according to her, which " treats its tens of thousands of employees with dignity and respect ".

The author of the article, Ronan Farrow, son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow, received a Pulitzer Prize in the spring for his revelations about film producer Harvey Weinstein, which contained the first evidence of rape .

In early May, he deposed powerful New York State Attorney Eric Schneiderman, publishing the testimony of four women accusing him of violence and threats.

The CBS action stalled after the publication of an article in the Hollywood Reporter announcing that of the New Yorker. The stock lost 6.12% on the session on the New York Stock Exchange.

Quite rare, even before the article was published, CBS issued a statement announcing that an internal investigation had been opened and that it would be directed by the independent directors.

" Once this investigation is over (…), the board of directors will study its conclusions and take the necessary actions ," the independent directors said.

Since the revelations about Harvey Weinstein, who is now charged, incidents of misbehavior, badual badault, harbadment and rape have increased.

They particularly touched the media, sports and politics. The voices of the victims have been released and testimonies accumulated against famous men accused of abusing their power with women.

Leslie Moonves is a television legend who managed to turn the CBS channel, which was in serious trouble in the 1990s, into the most watched American channel of the last decade.

He joined the band in 1995 and was promoted to the head of the group in 2003. He launched several programs that became huge successes, such as " The Big Bang Theory ", the "family" ] CSI "(The Experts) or" Survivor ".

Leslie Moonves is engaged with the Redstone family, the majority shareholder of CBS, in a battle for the future of the channel, which the Redstone wish to merge with the Viacom media group, against his advice.

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