The City of Brussels no longer wants migrants to Maximilian Park



The City of Brussels no longer sees any justification for the presence of non-asylum seekers at the Maximilian Park, which is causing complaints from residents, reports L'Echo Friday.

His first alderman Alain Courtois (MR) calls for a three-pronged plan. Since many of the people in the Maximilian Park do not ask for asylum in Belgium but only in transit, the proximity of the buildings of the Office des étrangers can no longer justify their presence, according to the City.

Alain Courtois insists on these migrants who, according to him, are attracted to this park near Gare du Nord by mobile applications, the presence of smugglers in the neighborhood or the promise of receiving food there. [19659004"TheresidentsmustreclaimtheParkMaximilianThereisunanimity(theCollegePS-MREd)tosaythatifwedonothingitwillbethesamethinginfiveyearsatthisplace"accordingtothereformerwhospokeWednesdaywiththeSecretaryofStateforAsylumandMigrationTheoFrancken(N-VA)andthecabinetofInteriorMinisterJanJambon(N-VA)

Alain Courtois calls for a three-pronged plan: anti-smuggling measures by the federal police, migrants in an illegal situation in another place (the Etterbeek barracks, a building in Haren, the former headquarters of NATO, are mentioned, but Theo Francken refuses to create a "hub for the United Kingdom" ) and reinforced local police checks, according to L'Echo

The Maximilian Park has been the subject of several major police actions targeting migrants in recent years. Last year, Theo Francken provoked outrage by saying he wanted to "clean it up". The place has also become, for many NGOs and volunteer citizens, a place of commitment to support migrants.

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