The company Alitalia is recovering, assures one of its leaders


The airline Alitalia, placed under supervision in 2017, is in phase of recovery, with an increase in its pbadenger turnover in June, indicates one of its bosses, Luigi Gubitosi, in an interview Sunday with the Corriere della

" We end the month of June with a growth of 10.6% of the pbadenger turnover after a 7.6% growth in May ", says Mr. Gubitosi, named with two other " commissioners " in May 2017 by the Italian State at the head of the company then threatened with bankruptcy.

" During the second quarter, the operating result ( Ebitda) will be in equilibrium after a loss of 100 million last year ", he also badured.

These good results, which prove that the company is" on the right track ", nonetheless make a five-year development plan indispensable, especially on the long haul, However, Mr Gubitosi

Alitalia, which employs some 11,000 employees, has accumulated losses in recent years against competition from low-cost companies.

It was put under guardianship in May 2017, after the rejection by employees of a restructuring plan involving 1,700 job cuts

Now headed by three commissioners appointed by the government, it is the subject of three expressions of interest for its purchase, including one of the German group Lufthansa and another from the British company EasyJet.

Initially set for April 30, the deadline for the sale of Alitalia was pushed back to the end of October by Rome, the recent Italian elections and the current political uncertainty having delayed a eventual agreement.

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