The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind will not be entitled to a remaster


The boss of Bethesda believes that the age of a title is part of his identity.

Many fans of the third episode of the saga The Elder Scrolls were waiting with eventual upgrading of this title released in 2002. It must be said that this is one of the most successful episodes, but that was very expensive at Bethesda's studio.

In an interview he gave to the British Guardian, Bethesda's director, Todd Howard, explains that he prefers players to play Morrowind in its original version

" I am happy to see that it is now possible to play Morrowind on Xbox One. In the same way, I'm happy to see that Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and others make it easier for players to play old titles. I prefer that rather than the remasters. I think the age of a title is part of his identity. For something like Morrowind, my personal preference is not to remaster it "says Todd Howard.

No ambiguity therefore, there will be no remaster of Morrowind in the years to come. [19659003]


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