The euro is rising against a lead dollar by Trump


New York (awp / afp) – The euro gained ground on Friday against a dollar rushed by comments from US President Donald Trump criticizing the US central bank and accusing the European Union and China of manipulating their currency.

Around 19:00 GMT (21:00 CET), the European single currency traded for 1,1709 dollar against 1.1642 dollar Thursday around 2100 GMT.

The European currency stabilized against the Japanese currency 130, 98 yen against 130.94 yen Thursday evening.

The dollar retreated against the yen to 111.86 yen against 112.47 yen Thursday evening.

The US currency, "which was preparing to record its second consecutive week up sharply against its major rivals, began to tumble Thursday when President Trump said + not be happy + the interest rate hike decided by the Fed, "said Omer Esiner of the Commonwealth Foreign Exchange. [19659002] New com On Friday, accusing China, the European Union and other countries of manipulating their currencies by lowering their interest rates, and lamenting that the strength of the dollar weighs on the competitiveness of US companies has affected the dollar even more.

And the greenback weakened further when the CNBC financial news channel claimed that the White House tenant was worried that the Fed would have two additional rate hikes by the end of the year.

The dollar "could fall even more if investors fear more and more to see the Trump administration use the dollar as a tool to try to reduce the country's large trade deficit," Esiner said. US goods become cheaper for buyers with other currencies when the dollar weakens.

"Trump's comments on Fed interest rates may create some uncertainty about the policy of Washington vis-à-vis the dollar, "said Lukman Otunuga, badyst at FXTM," but it is unlikely that it can prevent the institution to raise rates, "he added.

"The strength of the dollar is also the responsibility (of Mr. Trump), who has undertaken protectionist measures as well as tax reform to boost the US economy," said Lee Hardman, an badyst at MUFG. [19659002] This growth is fueling inflation, which the Fed is trying to control by raising rates. But any rate increase makes the currency more remunerative, and therefore more attractive to investors.

M. Trump also highlighted the weakness of the Chinese yuan, which hit 6.8149 Yuan for the dollar during the Asian session, its lowest level in more than a year.

This drop offers "a significant compensation to Chinese exporters for their loss of competitiveness due to rising US tariffs, "noted IHS Markit economist Rajiv Biswas. The yuan has lost more than 8% of its value since April.

Around 19:00 GMT, the ounce of gold was worth $ 1,229.62 against $ 1,222.91 Thursday at 9:00 pm GMT.

The Chinese currency finished at 6.7697 yuan for a dollar, against 6.7751 yuan for a dollar Thursday at 15.30 GMT.

Bitcoin traded for 7,353.41 dollars, against 7,418,82 dollars Thursday night, according to figures compiled by Bloomberg

Friday Course Thursday Course

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19:00 GMT 21:00 GMT

EUR / USD 1,1725 1,1642

EUR / JPY 130.79 130.94

EUR / CHF 1,1633 1,1634

EUR / GBP 0.8929 0.8945

USD / JPY 111.55 112.47

USD / CHF 0.9921 0.9987

GBP / USD 1,3132 1,3014

bur-jum / alb / bp

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