The festival Eurockéennes 2018 sees its security costs flambé from 30,000 to 254,000 euros


POLICY – After Jack Lang's cry of alarm, other elected officials are worried about the security costs that plague the accounts of major cultural events of spring and summer. "Extremely worried" for the future of the festival which starts its 30th edition Thursday in Belfort, the organizers of Eurockéennes denounced Wednesday, July 4 an exorbitant increase, imposed by the prefecture, costs related to security.

"Historically , Eurockéennes have always participated in security costs, but the amount requested this year is exuberant compared to previous years, "said AFP Cédric Perrin, Senator LR of the Territoire de Belfort and Vice President of Eurockéennes. If the 30th edition of Eurockéennes – which should receive a little over 130,000 festival-goers from Thursday to Sunday – will take place as planned, this increase "jeopardizes" the future of the festival, regretted the organizers.

800% of increased security costs @eurockeennes imposed by the state. Never seen, unbearable. Unacceptable this decision jeopardizes the future of the festival. @Senat @lesRep_Senat #eurockeennes

– Cédric Perrin (@cperrin90) 4th of July 2018

According to The East Republican taking charge of the service for the four days of festivities would increase from 30,000 euros in 2017 to 254,000 euros this year, figures confirmed by AFP by a member of the organization

The circular Collomb in the viewfinder

As detailed this Wednesday The HuffPost a circular signed by the Minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb in May to to obtain the reimbursement of security costs advanced by the State may lead to a surge in security expenses of festive events this summer.

"The prefect of the Territoire de Belfort applies with discipline a circular of May 15 of the Ministry of the Interior and imposes on us an increase of e 800% of costs related to the provision of law enforcement. We can not accept, "confirmed Cédric Perrin, who said he was" extremely worried "about the future of the festival.

This year, 270 gendarmes, 30 soldiers, 45 policemen, 210 firefighters and 80 rescue workers are mobilized For the 2017 edition, about 300 soldiers, 200 policemen, 260 firefighters had been requisitioned. "This mobilization generates significant costs for the services of the State," said the prefecture in a statement. addressed to the prefects so that the rules laid down by law in the matter of charging for the services of order are applied with discernment and always progressive so as not to put in trouble festivals, "she added.

"The dialogue is committed with the organizer of Eurockéennes to jointly define a fair mobilization of law enforcement compensated." According to her, not something to rebadure elected officials and organizers. a few days ago and the festival is a non-profit event with an end result always tight. How do you want us to organize? "Lamented Cédric Perrin.

See also The HuffPost :


See also:

• Lang accuses Collomb of charging for "hallucinating" security costs at festivals

• What is this circular "Collomb" that threatens festivals?

• This festival in the Bahamas turned to disaster, two victims get $ 5 million compensation

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