The full name of Android P unveiled in advance by mistake?


If the development of the next major release of Android P is well advanced, the full name of this update has not been officially announced …

Google has not yet confirmed the full name of Android P . This major release was announced during the I / O 2018 conference last May. Since then, beta versions have followed one another. Android P is officially expected in the coming months and we should only know its name at this time. Huawei may have unintentionally unveiled the information slightly ahead.

The full name of Android P unveiled by mistake?

Last February, Bloomberg mentioned the possibility that Android P bears the name of Android Pistachio Ice Cream. The subject was then slightly forgotten. And Google had not spoken since the announcement of Android P at the conference Google I / O 2018.

Today, a representative of Huawei's support in Poland would have leaked this famous name. The man was responding to a customer who wanted to know if his smartphone P9 Lite mini would be entitled to update to Oreo or not. The response to the customer in question mentioned all the updates available for that particular device. In the list was made mention of Android Pistachio.

Do you like pistachio?

This information is in line with a previous report that suggests that the P of Android P could just mean Pistachio. It is quite possible that Google has preferred the short version, Pistachio, to the long version, Pistachio Ice Cream. Shorter is better, no?

Still, to have the official answer, it will be necessary to wait for the information of Google itself, and it should not happen before the launch with great fanfare of this new major release of the operating system. See you in a few months.

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