the House approves the legal texts


The House approved a series of bills this Thursday after several hours of debate. Criminal liability of municipalities, intervention of foreign special units and single payment of pensions, all the texts were validated by the deputies. Also, the long-awaited vote on the 500 euros tax free fell in the wake.

Payment by transfer

The project of the Minister of Pensions, Daniel Bacquelaine, is based on the merger in 2016 of the two pension organizations, the National Pension Office and the Public Sector Pension Service, in The Federal Pension Service (PFS)

Currently, the pensions of salaried and self-employed persons have three monthly payment dates and one annual payment date, while the public servants' pensions have three other monthly payment dates and dates. monthly or even quarterly payment. It may therefore happen that a pensioner receives his pension in several installments over a month, not counting the payment in January of the pensions of the officials of December, which the law puts an end to.

To make a single payment per holder, he It is also advisable to use a single method of payment, in this case payment by transfer will be privileged.

A letter specifying the terms of the law will be sent to pensioners.

Criminal liability of municipalities

The communes , CPAS and the public services will soon be criminally prosecuted in case of alleged infringement, according to a bill of the CD & V approved unanimously Thursday in the House.

So far, because of criminal irresponsibility municipalities, it was sometimes unfortunate that bourgmestres were personally prosecuted in the event of an accident due to a potential lack of infrastructure in the territory of the municipality. The purpose of the bill is to remove from the Penal Code the immunity enjoyed by political moral persons. The text also touches on the complex rule of so-called decumulation, so that in the future an agent and a legal person can be prosecuted concomitantly for the same act. An evaluation will be carried out within three years

Intervention of foreign special units in Belgium

This piece of legislation is part of a context of fight against terrorism or serious organized crime, which has been particularly busy these last years. It makes it possible to increase cooperation between European services.

The intervention of these special units must remain sporadic. It can be requested in case of crisis by the Belgian police if it does not have the necessary means to intervene alone or herself, for example because it lacks time to visit the scene. When they intervene, these units are bound by Belgian law and placed under the authority of the Belgian forces.

At present, the foreign units covered by the draft law belong to the Atlas network established under the auspices of the European Union. There are thirty of them, belonging to 23 states, including France, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy.

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