"The idea of ​​confederalism is to create permanent conflict"


Deputy Prime Minister Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) is more in favor of a federal constituency than a refederalisation, in an interview published Saturday in La Libre Belgique. He further considers that " the idea of ​​confederalism is to create permanent conflict "

" I am rather in favor of a federal constituency. democratic deficit in Belgium ", says Alexander De Croo

" In May 2019, the only citizens who will be able to decide whether Charles Michel is a good Prime Minister, are those of Walloon Brabant, its constituency, is nice for them, but less for those who live in Arlon or Ghent … A federal constituency would make sense and completely change the behavior of politicians "he explains. 19659002] Asked if Belgium is moving towards a re-generalization or confederalism, Mr. De Croo observes that four years ago " everyone thought of being on a boulevard towards more regionalization." But I felt that it has moved a great deal ". [1965] 9002] " When I talk to my colleagues, they all tell me I'm right. But they will not dare say it publicly "adds De Croo, referring to the other parties with the exception of the N-VA.

" There is a feeling everywhere that spirits are train to mature. The idea of ​​confederalism is to create permanent conflict. The generation of political decision-makers of the 80s gave us a famous legacy: an incomprehensible institutional system and a public debt beyond 100% of the GDP, with unfunded pensions … ", concludes the vice-premier

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