The List of Mayor Clerfayt and Ecolo undertake to continue the renewal in Schaerbeek: what about the cdH?


Belgian Policy

The leaders of the Schaerbeek Mayor's List (Challenge-Liberal-Independents) and Greens announced Thursday their commitment to continue, beyond the next election in October, the dynamics of renewal they believe to embody in Schaerbeek for 18 years, at the controls of the municipality.

As in 2012, the two formations wished, "in a democratic concern", to inform the voters of the municipality to form together a majority "to amplify the renewal and to make Schaerbeek more modern, innovative, supportive, a place of good governance and democracy "

They defined a certain number of convergences of stakes for the future of the" city of donkeys ": living together, sharing and respect for public space, public and road safety, housing, environment and air quality, emancipation and education for all, promotion of economic activities and local employment.

"We have rather the feeling that people are happy, as far as we are concerned, with what has been done and how, "commented the outgoing mayor, Bernard Clerfayt (Challenge).

Himself and Sophie Querton (Schaerbeek Liberals ), for the Mayor's List, as well as Vincent Van Hallewijn and Adelheid Byttebier, for Ecolo-Groen, said they were open to a team of three, provided that the ideas of the third partner converge with theirs and that it is sufficiently supported by voters.

"This does not exclude from the outset the HRC," loyal member "of the current majority

According to them, this does not exclude from the outset the cdH," loyal member " of the current majority, provided that the election result gives it sufficient weight. Currently, the cdH has only two communal councilors of the four he had obtained in 2012. The humanist Democratic Center has meanwhile lost among others Mahinur Ozdemir, excluded from the party in May 2015 for refusing to recognize the Armenian genocide. 19659003] Bernard Clerfayt excludes collaborating with the N-VA and the PTB. For Vincent Van Halewijn, only the N-VA can not be, the PTB excludes itself from the outset.

For Adelheid Byttebier, the management of the N-VA uses more and more voices that it tries to collect at the local level to carry out its confederal project. It is active in the cities in view of its program for the regional and federal elections of 2019, but not for the benefit of the communes and their inhabitants

AL. D.

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