The novelist and poet Georges-Emmanuel Clancier died at age 104 in his sleep


DISPARITION – Author of a dozen novels and twenty collections of poems, the author of the successful fresco The Black Pain died on the night of July 4 to 5. This neo-romantic writer, great storyteller of the soil, had for a long time directed the programs of the ORTF.

Georges-Emmanuel Clancier pbaded away on Wednesday at the age of 104 years. His publisher, Albin Michel, said he died "that night around 5:45 in his sleep." Novelist and poet, he was the author of a sensitive and varied work from which emerged The black bread (1956), beginning of a romance cycle rooted in his limousine land where he was born here more of a century. Georges-Emmanuel Clancier, who for a long time directed the ORTF's programs, knew how to tell his stories, thanks to a very controlled clbadical writing, a poetic climate, tender and simple.

»READ ALSO – The Bread noir by Georges-Emmanuel Clancier

He has received numerous awards, such as the Grand Prix of the Society of the People of Letters for the whole of his work, the Goncourt of poetry or the prize of literature of the 'French Academy. The author had to his credit a dozen novels, as The eternity plus a day twenty collections of poetry, essays, including a Critical panorama of French poetry . His last book, The Time to Learn to Live fourth volume of his ambitious autobiography, was published in 2016. He was then 102 years old.

Naturalistic work with neo-romantic accents, Black bread – which, like Proust's madeleine, brings out a distant past – told the difficult life, inspired by his maternal family, of peasants and workers from the Limousin region between 1875 and the beginning of the 20th century. From his grandmother, an illiterate shepherdess, he will say: "I taught him to read, she taught me to live."

»READ ALSO – The One Hundred Years of Georges-Emmanuel Clancier Celebrated in the Eleanor Circle [19659005RaymondQueneauapublisheratGallimardandyetafriendofClancierrefusedthisnoveljudgingthatitcontained"toomuchcampaign"DefendedbyLouisAragonhefinallyappearedatRobertLaffont'sTheworkwhichgivesitsnametothefrescowasfollowedbythreeothers(in195759and61)TheirsuccesswasmixedButin1974thestoryadaptedbyFrançoiseVernyfortelevisionwasputinimagesineightepisodesbySergeMoatiThebooksthistimefoundtheiraudiencewerereissuedandtranslatedintoseverallanguagesincludingChinese"ClancierissomuchofLimousinsomuchofhereofthisskyofthesetreesofthisrainthatitbecomesuniversal"saidMoati

 In February 1996 in his Paris apartment.
February 1996 in his Paris apartment. Rue des Archives / compulsory mention © Louis Monier

The emotion of words

Georges-Emmanuel Clancier was born on May 3, 1914 in Limoges (Haute-Vienne) into a family of cloggers, sharecroppers and farmers. porcelain artisans. "My parents, of oral culture, bequeathed to me the emotion of words," he said. High school student, he wrote his first poems. He married in 1939 a medical student who had crisscrossed Limousin for his thesis on "the primitive mentality" in the region. She will become a recognized psychobadyst, Anne Clancier. The couple will have two children and live united for three quarters of a century before Anne's death in 2014, at the age of 101.

"We who are ephemeral traces / In wonder and in terror" [19659014] Georges-Emmanuel Clancier's worms

During the war, Georges-Emmanuel Clancier could not be mobilized because of tuberculosis, which forced him to suspend his studies. But he becomes clandestine correspondent of the literary review Fontaine directed in Algiers by Max-Pol Fouchet. At the Liberation, he went back to the faculty, in Poitiers and Toulouse, writing for magazines, forging fruitful dialogues with Queneau, Michel Leiris or Pierre Seghers, who was pbadionate about painting. He became in charge of the programs of Radio-Limoges then journalist with the "Popular of the center".

In 1955, he moved to Paris where he will be secretary general of the programming committees of the RTF then the ORTF until the 70s. Former president of the French PEN club, Georges-Emmanuel Clancier lived for a long time in a Parisian apartment in Trocadero, overflowing with books, notebooks and photos.

To the journalist Jerome Garcin, of Obs who visited him in 2013, this very old man treated, still alive and with trembling hands, said he had prepared his last home: "It will be in the Montparnbade cemetery, in a tomb on which will be engraved, as an epitaph, a couplet taken from one of my poems:" We who are ephemeral trace / In wonder and in terror ". 19659018] Georges-Emmanuel Clancier in ten dates

● May 3, 1914: birth in Limoges in Haute-Vienne

● 1939: marries a student who will become a known psychobadyst, Anne Clancier

● 1943: publication from the collection of poetry that points out, "The heavenly peasant."

● 1955: settles in Paris to direct the programs of the RTF then of the ORTF

● 1956: publication of the novel "The Black bread". Three other volumes (1957, 59, 61) complete the fresco.

● 1974: broadcast of the hit TV movie "Le Pain Noir"

● 1976-1979: President of the Pen Club de France (support for writers arrested or exiles)

● 1986-1990: first president of the Maison des écrivains

● 2013: Clancier exhibition at the Limoges library

● 2016: publication of the fourth volume of his autobiographical work, [19459002Thetimetolearnhowtolive.

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