The pools can not ban the burkini for h …


A public swimming pool can not prohibit bathers from wearing a burkini for reasons of hygiene or safety, says the Ghent Court of First Instance in two of its judgments.

Prohibit this bathing room for bathing. reasons of hygiene or safety is not justified, the Flemish administration itself having provided scientific proof that there were no problems in these fields, report the newspapers of the group Mediahuis.

The Interfederal Center for Equal Opportunities, Unia, had already informed the City of Antwerp that it saw no legal basis for such a ban. He had previously called for a balance between freedom of religion and gender equality in this debate. "The burkini can be perceived as a degrading garment or as a garment allowing its users to participate in a sports activity," he recalled in 2015.

In Ghent, the communal swimming pools Ter Wallen (Merelbeke) and Van Eyck will have to adapt their rules, even if appeals are introduced in the coming days.

If the commune of Ghent of the bourgmestre sp.a Daniel Termont is the first aim, it is well on the side of the N-VA that came the first reactions to these judgments. "How many Muslim people are demanding" from Burkini, so asks Secretary of State for Equal Opportunities Zuhal Demir (N-VA), for whom this garment represents "a voluntary provocation" against equality. The Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration Theo Francken (N-VA) also split an anti-burkini tweet

In Antwerp, the alderman N-VA Fons Duchateau badured that the judgment of the Ghent courts would not change the ban on communal pools. A judicial record is also there and the alderman intends to put forward the point of view that a ban on burkini should not be based on health and safety, but "because we do not want it based of our societal norms and values ​​", he said, without specifying the means he intends to invoke.

In the opposition, Groen emphasized how much the N-VA would use this file to divert attention other topics such as the federal budget deficit. "How many times will the N-VA still use this string," asks Brussels MP Bruno De Lille on Twitter. "Are we going to agree this time that we will not fall in the trap? "

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