The victims of the Liège bombing will be financially supported


Miscellaneous facts

Tomorrow morning, the Council of Ministers will officially recognize the bombing of May 29 as a terrorist act.

The victims and their relatives of the attack in Liège on May 29 will be financially supported by the State Belgian. This morning, the Council of Ministers will officially recognize, by royal decree, this attack as a terrorist act. Victims and / or their relatives may apply to the Commission for badistance to victims of intentional acts of violence and casual rescuers for financial support.

To remember, two policewomen and the pbadenger of a car were killed in a shootout preceded by a knife attack by an attacker who shouted Allahu Akbar! The terrorist then hijacked a cleaning lady at the Athenaeum Leonie de Waha. Leaving the athenaeum, he was surprised by police. A shooting followed, four policemen were wounded before he was shot.

M. L.

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