The Walloon opposition pushes the majority


By Eric Deffet

MR and CDH did not have a majority because of two sick deputies. PS and Ecolo made the vote on the decree-program impossible when leaving the meeting. Christine Defraigne (MR) was recalled urgently despite a medical certificate

L a plenary session of the Parliament of Wallonia that took place on Tuesday in Namur ended in great confusion. Much of the discussion focused on the 800-page program order issued by the MR-CDH government. For several weeks, the opposition denounces this mammoth to approve in a hurry. He alone would testify to the "brutality" of the methods of the majority and would be riddled with inconsistencies that would not guarantee legal certainty.

The debates took place in a rather serene atmosphere. article also. Until the decisive moment of the vote on the whole text. The opposition PS and Ecolo then left the meeting, causing a big embarrbadment in the majority. Two members of the MR were indeed excused for medical reasons: Philippe Dodrimont and Christine Defraigne. But for a year, the majority MR-CDH has only one vote in advance in the regional parliament: 38 seats out of 75!

We knew since the change of majority: the least concern was the clash announced ! On Tuesday, the opposition rushed into the breach. What provoke the fury of the majority parties and the government: the two elected absent being for health reasons, medical certificates to the key, the maneuver was little fair play. Finally, Christine Defraigne was urgently called back to ensure a quorum.

In the meantime, the President had decreed a suspension of the meeting at 8:12 pm. The Liégeoise was to arrive at Namur an hour later at most. This was the case. The program decree was therefore voted in the presence of the only majority. But it was not long … The last plenary session of the 2017-2018 session continues on Wednesday with other important texts on the menu, including tax reform. The mood may be tense

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