The Walloon Parliament approves the deployment of smart meters


The Walloon Parliament approved, Wednesday in plenary, the draft decree organizing the deployment of smart meters, able to receive and transmit data remotely. The majority MR-cdH voted in favor of the text while the PS and Ecolo opposed it.

This draft decree, carried by the Minister in charge of Energy, Jean-Luc Crucke (MR), aims to regulate the use of smart meters, to pilot their deployment, to lay the foundations for more flexibility at the regional level and to clarify certain concepts relating to electric charging stations.

It provides in particular for a systematic installation of a Smart meter for demand, replacement or new connection as well as for residential customers in default. The first meters will be installed by 2023 and by 2030, 80% of heavy consumers – users consuming more than 6,000kWh / year – and energy-producing citizens will have to be equipped. However, a derogation will be possible for those intolerant to the waves, according to a procedure yet to be determined.

" We must take into account the new energy landscape. nothing dehumanizing, became inevitable "Wednesday reminded Jean-Luc Crucke. " Wallonia now has a framework and the sector has been targeted, the big consumers being the first to have to be equipped with these meters ," he continued, welcoming Elsewhere, the establishment of a follow-up committee bringing together sector players and regional parliamentarians.

" This is a sensitive issue that has been dragging on for the last 10 years. to give the means to follow the societal evolution and to interact more easily.We live with the future, not with the past ", hammered again the minister.

The blur which surrounds these communicating counters [19659007] However, comments that did not convince the opposition, PS in mind that particularly regretted the " many inconsistencies " of the project highlighted by the State Council and the lack of listening to society on a text " which requires the adhesion of the population "

" Certainly, it is necessary to legislate but to do this, it is necessary that all the elements are on the table ", in particular as regards the connection between ORES, the main network manager Wallon, and Resa, the manager of Liège, thus underlined Joëlle Kapompole (PS) while also denouncing " the vagueness which surrounds these communicating counters ".

" I wish to this name of communicating meters because for now, they have absolutely nothing intelligent. We must say things as they are and not accept the semantics that we want to impose on us and that is more marketing ", added the parliamentary socialist.

" If these counters have no no doubt their place in the development of networks of the future, they should not be considered against users, but with them. However, if the decree provides priority categories for deployment, it prohibits anyone from refusing the placement of such a meter. In addition, the government gives considerable latitude to the network operators who, beyond the priority categories, will be able to precisely accelerate the deployment according to their own approach of management of the network ", finally regretted Philippe Henry (Ecolo). 19659002] " This decree is another example of a text that was hastily discussed and quickly voted on during this crazy end-of-session imposed by the MR-cdH government. Given the stakes involved, the number of years spent deploying the system, and the need to successfully transition our fleet, this text would have deserved more debate and consultation ", has t he concluded.

Despite the remarks of the opposition, the draft decree was approved, 37 votes in favor, 33 against and one abstention.

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