Thousands protest in Barcelona for the release of prisoners and exiles


Thousands of people still took to the streets this Saturday night to protest the imprisonment and exile of pro-independence politicians.

Under the slogan "Neither prison nor exile, we want you to home »110,000 people demonstrated Saturday in the streets of Barcelona. Called by cultural omnium, the ANC and the Association of Catalans for Civil Rights, they demanded the release of prisoners and the return of exiles without fear of reprisals.

The march began at 19:15, at the junction of Tarragona and Diputació streets and traveled the streets of the Catalan capital j to the Modelo prison, where it arrived before 8 pm

At the head of the procession, President Quim Torra who reiterated before the march that the independence movement " will come out again and again until the prisoners and exiles return home ." He also badured that " every minute that they are imprisoned is a political indecency ", " We will fight until they are free and our people too ", he concluded.

The vice-president President Pere Aragonés, and spokeswoman Elsa Artadi were also pr sents. President Carles Puigdemont sent a video from Germany asking that today " the streets of Barcelona must be filled with freedom" .

The demonstration took place after the leaders of the rebellion were transferred to the Catalan prisons on July 3 and two days after the German court rejected the extradition of Carles Puigdemont for crimes of rebellion and sedition but for malfeasance.


El soberanismo muestra su fuerza con una manifestación multitudinaria por la libertad de los presos del proces … see @ diario_16 [19659010] #barcelona #libertadPresospoliticos #libertadexiliadospoliticos #libertad #democracia

– Diario16 (@ Diario_16) July 14, 2018

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