Three months away from creditors: "It does not make sense" – Economic Policy


Ms. Demir pleads that people with financial problems should be sheltered from creditors for a period of three months, a period to be used to develop a solution in collaboration with the CPAS. In her proposal, the secretary of state calls the bailiffs to be part of the solution.

"A bailiff must guide indebted people, rather than seize from the outset, he should exchange information, mainly with the CPAS, via a database".

"This sector is closely monitored by the economic inspection and has proved its solidity," explains Bart Vandesompele of SOCREM. "In addition, this is where we think the solution lies: by avoiding court proceedings to facilitate the amicable agreement to pay bills, which saves the debtor extra costs and takes the situation seriously." -the body directly, without going through the courts, which also avoids overburdening them. "

Replacing a well-functioning system with a three-month pause button to allow the courts to provide guidance, this seems to the SOCREM "superfluous".

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