Tour de France: Alaphilippe in the lead, Van Avermaet in the hard (DIRECT)


Tour de France

The 10th stage should offer some spectacle while being rich in lessons on the forces involved

The first part of the Alpine triptych of the Tour de France 2018 has absolutely nothing clbadic. Changes of pace are to be expected on a course that has four distinct phases.

The smooth entry

The first 40 kilometers, relatively flat despite two short climbs not listed, announce a good fight to integrate the first breakaway. The climb of the Col de la Croix Fry (12.8 km at 6.5%) will probably begin after less than an hour of racing. The first climb clbadified in the 1st category of this Great Loop is relatively rolling but two difficult kilometers, after the village of Manigod, could already be right of the big jigs and the wounded. However, the long descent of this pbad should probably allow the first latecomers to return to the peloton.

The Discovery

The second listed climb of the day, deserves, despite its reduced length (6.2 km), its non-category ranking. Because the slopes of the rise of the Glières plateau are infernal (11.2% average!) And tolerate no blow of fatigue. At the top, the riders will ride on the main originality of this Tour de France: a stony area of ​​1.8 km. "We're going to find the images of old-time cycling!" The runners on stone paths, it's going to be stealthy but pretty because it's in an incredible setting "enthused Thierry Gouvenou. race director, at the presentation of the course

The Plateau des Glières, which enters the legend of the Tour, is already known as a Mecca of the Second World War. On March 26, 1944, nearly 150 guerrillas had perished by wanting to resist the German occupation.

Welcome time-out

After the first climb out of the Tour category, runners will benefit from more than 50 kilometers quiet, barely interspersed by the Col des Fleuries (5.6 km to 4.5%). This makes it possible to affirm that the ascent of the Plateau des Glières and the stone sector which follows will not have any impact on the course of the stage. "I do not think that this pbadage will have a major role in the Tour because we will still be quite far from the finish.It will not normally be a hyper strategic place but, for a first try, it's already quite a lot " also confirmed Thierry Gouvenou last October

The terrible final

During the last 37 kilometers, the riders will have to climb nearly half of the total elevation gain of the stage. The series Col de Romme – Col de la Colombière, already borrowed by the Tour in 2009 (victory of Frank Schleck), looks monstrous. The foot of the first climb (3 km to 9.8%), where the heat is often stifling, could see some favorites lose their illusions in this Tour de France. The end of the Col de la Colombière is just as infernal and should be the scene of a great fight between the last contenders still present in mind. Unless the vertiginous dive to Grand-Bornand serves as a support for a stunt number by Vincenzo Nibali

The cyclists before the pros

Thousands of fans drove nine days ago on the route of the 10th stage

Annecy – Le Grand-Bornand served as support for the Tour du Tour for Cycle Tourists, which ran on Sunday, July 8th. Among the 15,000 competitors at the start, there was Frank Schleck. The Luxembourger was used to places since he won Grand-Bornand on the Tour de France 2009.

Having put 5:16, the Frenchman Victor Lafay was the fastest of 11,734 finishers . "The most difficult in this stage is to save money in view of the final sequence Col de Romme – Col de la Colombière The Col de la Croix Fry is quite rolling and not very difficult. against, in the ascent of Plateau des Glières, located far enough from the finish, it is still necessary to work to pbad.It is this difficulty that has probably affected the reserves of most participants. , I began to blame the end of the Col de la Colombière " detailed the winner of the stage of the Tour 2018 after the arrival.

Victor Lafay, vice-champion of Europe hopes in Zlin (Czech Republic) last Sunday, will go professional on August 1 in the French team Cofidis.

The last of the ranking of the Stage of the Tour 2018 completed the 169 km of the course in 1:15 pm (the course amateurs was a bit longer than the professionals in order to avoid certain major axes). Light years away from the fastest time for professionals today. ASO, the organizer of the Tour de France, has indeed planned that the winner would complete the course in just under 4:30.

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