Tournai: a coup de bouteille to steal his bag



A person was attacked during the night of Tuesday when she was returning home.

An badault occurred at the Rue du Four Chapitre during the night of Tuesday, around 1am . The victim was returning home and saw a car stopped, but engine running and headlights on, near the place Paul Emile Janson. Immediately, she felt a presence behind her.

As a precaution, it then accelerated the pace to quickly reach the Rue Four Chapter. Unfortunately she barely had time to insert the key into the lock on her front door as she heard a man's voice. She did not understand what he said to her and the individual hit her with a violent blow to the head, which caused her to fall.

Before leaving the scene staggering, the badailant tore off the victim's bag. He finally joined the car waiting for him a little further while losing several stolen objects.

million. Del.

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