Towards a generalization of mobile jammers and drones in prison


As controversy swirls around Redoine Faid's escape, Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet pledges new measures to improve prison security.

Under fire from critics, Nicole Belloubet counterattacks . Asked about the escape of the perpetrator rapist Redoine Faïd in the morning of RTL on Wednesday, the Garde des Sceaux announced the development of cell jammers and drones in prison. A parade in the face of the technological delay denounced by the unions of prison supervisors.

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On Sunday, the escape of the perpetrator robber was videotaped by cellphone then broadcast on the internet by an inmate. While cellphones are banned in prison, the administration seems to have a hard time preventing prisoners from owning one. "Our department has installed a new market that will allow total interference in institutions from October to avoid communications of this nature," said the Minister of Justice.

The telephone jam is not new since Jean-Jacques Urvoas was already proposing to generalize it in 2016. That year, 33,521 had been seized, a figure that continues to grow. Since then, according to the Ministry of Justice, three companies have won the market, via a scalable technology that will respond to both the jamming of 3G but also, in the long run, 5G and wifi.

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The jammers will be gradually installed in the 187 establishments from this autumn, confirms to Figaro the entourage of the minister, before adding that the priority will be given "to institutions to accommodate the most dangerous inmates." A six-year investment is planned, for a total amount of 14 million euros.

Fifteen flights of drone from prison in 2017

The spectacular fugue of Redoine Faïd also highlighted the problem of illegal overflights of drone over prisons. Underestimated so far, the ministry specifies to Figaro that fifteen cases were identified in 2016 and 2017. "A number well below the feedback of colleagues. All is not counted, "says Jérôme Mbadip, representative of the Union of Prisoners (SPS), citing also the transfer of goods by drone.

" ALSO READ – Hundred investigators seasoned chasing Redoine Faïd [19659004] On RTL, Nicole Belloubet stated that she had just "pbaded a contract to prevent the overflight of drone" because it is "a phenomenon that must be avoided at all costs." In the department, it says "have experienced [différentes techniques] in 2017, on several penitentiary institutions in the Paris region. "The administration would have validated devices having" demonstrated their effectiveness ", without specifying the nature. This technology is accompanied by close cooperation with the police and gendarmerie to arrest the pilots of these drones, who face up to a year's imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.

Union side, remains septic: "It's like the millimeter-wave porticoes," Jérôme Mbadip compares. "It was a promise when Christiane Taubira was Keeper of the Seals, Finally very few were installed, maybe three. So these promises of investment, I'm wary of it. "

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