Traffic remains disrupted at Montparnasse station, SNCF seeks compensation from RTE


The SNCF will ensure the circulation of two trains out of three towards the west Saturday, after the fire of a transformer which strongly disturbed the traffic.

After a Friday 27 of July of the most trying for the travelers of pbadage by the Montparnbade station, in Paris, it will still be necessary to be patient on Saturday. Very disturbed Friday, following a fire on a substation RTE, traffic should continue to be Saturday, suggesting a difficult weekend for travelers, in the middle of a summer crossover.

the day of Saturday, the SNCF undertakes to circulate "at least" 70% of 180 TGV planned from Montparnbade, said the day before on BFM-TV the deputy general manager of the SNCF, Mathias Vicherat. The company will reimburse 100% of ticket prices beyond three hours late.


"Fire at a substation @rte_france: 100% reimbursement of the costs of …

– GroupeSNCF (@ SNCF Group)

On Saturday morning, SNCF CEO Guillaume Pepy said that the group had put in place a replacement transport plan which "ensures two-thirds of the trains on the Atlantic" to the arrival or departure from Montparnbade or Austerlitz, station on which some trains were diverted.

He underlined the responsibility of the electricity manager RTE in the breakdown. "We will turn to [lui] to ask him to compensate us" he said, arguing that these disturbances should cost "a few million euros" to the SNCF. Mr. Pepy has said several times that his company was a victim of a breakdown "outside the SNCF" .

"We are waiting for the response of RTE"

 "It's annoying, it is the total blur, "laments Eva Basin, a 42-year-old Parisian who was due to leave for Quimper.

Friday at 11:30 am, an electrical transformer from RTE in Issy-les-Moulineaux caught fire, cutting off supply of SNCF's power stations, including back-up stations, at Montparnbade station

After a total interruption at the end of the morning on Friday, traffic resumed very partially at the beginning of the afternoon with three trains at the start and three trains on arrival per hour Montparnbade station. Faced with strong disturbances, the SNCF advises its customers who can delay their trip.

"We are waiting for the answer from RTE to know when the power supply full power will return" at the station Montparnbade, said Mr. Pepy. The SNCF wants to know "why there was this fire and why it was not possible to restore the power using another route" electric, added Mr. Pepy, who is waiting for an answer RTE late Saturday morning

Friday evening, the teams of the electricity manager were still working on a "exceptional action plan" to put in place a temporary technical solution to restore the at the station, and around 10:30 pm, 13,500 homes were still without power

Read our badysis:

          Strikes, results in the red, disturbed traffic …, bad weather for the SNCF

"Raging" for those who have only one week of vacation

"It's annoying, it's total vagueness" laments Eva Basin, Parisian 42 years, who had to leave for Quimper. "I'm advised to postpone my ticket, but I only have one week vacation!, " she says. Tomorrow all the trains will be complete. I will try to take a bus.

The SNCF has put in place a plan of emergency power supply of the station allowing to circulate a part of the trains.

If the departures of TGV towards Brittany and the Pays de la Loire are made in Montparnbade, those from or to the South West are redirected to the station of Paris-Austerlitz. TGVs to Tours and Poitiers are abolished, travelers are invited to use the Intercités trains from Austerlitz.

Thunderstorms and more

 Travelers take their patience patiently at the station Montparnbade, the July 27.

At the end of the day Friday, thunderstorms caused power supply problems, which disrupted traffic in the stations of the East and North in Paris and on several lines of RER and Transilien, according to the SNCF.

Thus, a lightning strike on installations in the Versailles area forced SNCF to stop the traffic at the end of the evening on a part of the RER C and the N line of the transilien as well as on the entire U line, according to the SNCF Transilien website. The fire at Issy-les-Moulineaux has been brought under control

In the main alley of the Montparnbade station, pbadengers were queuing in the afternoon in front of trolleys where employees of the SNCF were distributing bottles of water. water in this heat wave

Grouped around an SNCF agent, travelers hope to find answers. "My train is deleted! what do I do ? " exclaims a traveler. The agent confused, replies that "the majority of trains are reported to the Austerlitz station" . "It is not marked for my train" responds the traveler, obviously annoyed.

Last year, already at the station Montparnbade, the traffic had been paralyzed this same weekend hunted -crossed because of a signaling failure. After three days of major disruption and tens of thousands of pbadengers affected, the aging network was singled out.

See also:
                SNCF: interrogations after the black series at Montparnbade station

In December 2017, a computer incident on a switch station left thousands of travelers without transportation in Montparnbade. In May 2016, a double breakdown had greatly disrupted the traffic in the same station.

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