Trains, NATO summit, closed tunnels: a week of immobility starts in Brussels



Between trains on strike, closed tunnels and Donald Trump at NATO, no holidays for traffic jams.

If the Julillettists left to relax at the sea, in the Ardennes or abroad are far from the hbadle daily mobility, workers who have no choice but to travel to Brussels will have to slalom the whole week between strike trains, closed tunnels and summit of NATO where the arrival of the American president will not pbad Like a tweet

The strike announced on July 10 and 11 will have serious repercussions on rail traffic, warned Sunday the SNCB. Only one train in three should roll. The Independent Railway Workers Union (CIS) has filed a strike notice for the period from July 10th from 3 am until July 12th, same time. It is supported in its action by the union Metisp-Protect and by the Autonomous Union of Train Drivers (SACT).

The minimum service introduced to SNCB will however allow the transport company to establish an alternative plan based on staff available

In practical terms? Tuesday, one train out of three should roll, predicts the SNCB. "Rush hours will be privileged as well as IC trains connecting major cities" explained a spokesman for the SNCB. By consulting the "route planner" of the company, the travelers of Tuesday will be able to see if their train rolls on Monday morning. The SNCB will then draw up a schedule for Wednesday.

Bad luck for holidaymakers who planned to spend a nice day on the sea on Tuesday or Wednesday, no additional train will be put into service on these days to the coast. [19659008] Big embarrbadment of traffic in sight

In Brussels, Wednesday and Thursday, it will be better to leave his car at the carpark. Donald Trump arrives on the 11th for the NATO summit and leaves the next day. On the agenda: big traffic jams and closures of streets and tunnels. Without being able to predict which, secret defense requires.

In short, there is nothing left to do but take leave, telework or take a camp bed to the office.

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