Trump, fire Iran on Twitter: "Never again threaten the United States"



US President Donald Trump on Sunday warned Iran to "never again threaten the United States" on pain of "consequences such as little in history have known."

"DO NOT THREAT NEVER THE UNITED STATES WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN SUFFERING CONSEQUENCES AS LITTLE IN THE COURSE OF HISTORY HAVE KNOWN THEM BEFORE, "he wrote on Twitter in a message addressed by name to the Iranian President Hbadan Rouhani and written entirely in capital letters


This message came after Mr. Rouhani had warned the leader "not pulling the whiskers of the tiger", ensuring that a conflict with Iran would be the "mother of all wars."

These verbal jousts recall the exchanges that Donald Trump had with the North American leader. Korean Kim Jong Un, before tensions subside to make way for a historic summit between the two men on June 12.

Since the unexpected rapprochement with North Korea, Mr. Trump has made Iran his main warhorse.

The reaction of Mike Pompeo

The United States is "not afraid" to punish "at the highest level" the regime in Tehran, accused of being "a nightmare for the Iranian people," warned Sunday evening the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In a speech to the Iranian diaspora in California, he confirmed that Washington wants all countries to reduce their imports of Iranian oil "closer to zero" by November 4, otherwise they will face sanctions.

US President Donald Trump announced in May his withdrawal from the 2015 international agreement intended to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, and the reinstatement of US sanctions lifted in the context of this text. . Mike Pompeo has called on the world to join his "push" campaign and turn his back on the Tehran regime, as US allies in the United States try to save the Iranian nuclear deal. [19659003"It'snotover"hewarnedaboutUSsanctionsafterrecallingthattheUnitedStateshadalreadytargetedAyatollahSadeghLarijaniheadoftheJudicialAuthorityinJanuaryforviolationsofhumanrights

"The leaders of the regime, including those at the head of the Guardians of the Revolution", the elite army of Iran, "and the Quds Force", in charge of external operations , "have to pay dearly for their decisions," the US chief of diplomacy told the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.

Long applauded, he also said the Trump administration's support for protesters protesting in Iran. He announced a strengthening of the American propaganda campaign with the launch of a multimedia channel (television, radio, digital and social networks) 24 hours a day in Farsi language, "so that ordinary Iranians in Iran and around the world know that America is at their side. " As well as measures "to help Iranians bypbad censorship on the internet."

Regularly suspected of cherishing the idea of ​​a regime change in Iran, Mike Pompeo reaffirmed his desire only "that the regime change significantly his behavior, both inside Iran and on the world stage ", refusing to distinguish between radicals and moderates within the Islamic Republic.

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