Trump publishes a letter from Kim Jong-un on the North Korean issue | Donald Trump, President of the United States


"Important" or "successful" process, "unshakable trust", "historical progress". The words used by the North Korean leader in this text dated July 6 are full of warmth and confidence and contrast with the defeat recorded by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo during his recent visit to Pyongyang.

"On is making great progress, "commented on his side Donald Trump on Twitter platform he has chosen to disseminate this letter.

In his missive, the North Korean leader asks Donald Trump" concrete actions "for strengthen their mutual trust. This should allow, he says, a new meeting after the historic summit in Singapore on June 12.

"I firmly believe that a strong will, sincere efforts and the unique approach we have had, Your Excellency, in order to open up new prospects between the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Ed) and the United States will be fruitful, "writes Kim Jong-un.

The North Korean leader mentions" a faithful implementation "of the joint declaration adopted on 12 June in Singapore, but does not directly address the central issue of the process, the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and thus the Pyongyang regime.

This Joint Singapore Communiqué pronounced for a "complete denuclearization", but said nothing of the means that would be implemented to verify it.

In search of guarantees on this point, Mike Pompeo said to have had talks "prod during his visit to Pyongyang on July 6 and 7, with Kim Yong-chol, the right arm of Kim Jong-un. But the North Koreans vehemently retaliated to these diplomatic remarks, denouncing the "unilateral and greedy demands" of the United States and their "gangster methods."

Kim Jong-un's letter is dated the day before the North Koreans broadcast these particularly violent comments. But the US president has still chosen to publish it.

In the days leading up to Mike Pompeo's visit , its third in the North Korean capital, several media had revealed that, according to US intelligence, the North Koreans were still seeking to conceal some of their nuclear arsenal.

The Americans defend any naivety in this matter and Mike Pompeo reaffirmed last Sunday in Tokyo that the very severe sanctions that hit North Korea would remain in place until "a complete and completely verifiable denuclearization.

The United States actually asked the UN on Thursday to stop any new oil exports to North Korea, based on a US report claiming that the country has exceeded for 2018 its quotas. imports set at the end of 2017 by sanctions

The new US petroleum demand for Pyongyang is formulated in a letter to the chairman of the UN Sanctions Committee for North Korea, accompanied by a summary of a US intelligence report, two documents obtained by AFP on Thursday

Conflicting signals

"We ask the 1718 Committee to issue an urgent note verbale to all Member States and a press release to inform them , as well as the general public, that North Korea has violated the refined oil import quotas for 2018 set by resolution 2397, "points out the letter.

These conflicting signals my nonetheless, the personal confidence maintained by the president in his process and in his relationship with the young North Korean leader.

He regularly insists that this diplomatic opening had made it possible to put an end to the North American nuclear and ballistic tests. Korean, a direct threat to the United States and its Asian allies.

They also underline how the US president seems to be reshuffling the cards of world diplomacy.

He has just wrapped up a NATO summit during from which he severely faked his Western allies, accused of not spending enough for their defense. He will follow with a first bilateral summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he describes as a "competitor", not an "enemy."

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