Tunisia will welcome the 40 migrants stuck on a boat



The Tunisian authorities decided, "for humanitarian reasons", to welcome the 40 migrants, including two pregnant women rescued by a commercial vessel that had been banned for two weeks from berthing off Zarzis in southern Tunisia.

"For humanitarian reasons, we will welcome the 40 migrants," Prime Minister Youssef Chahed announced Saturday evening in a plenary session in Parliament devoted to the vote of confidence in the Minister of the Interior.

"Sarost 5", a supply vessel flying the Tunisian flag, has been waiting for about two weeks off Zarzis

"Despite this delay in making this decision, we are happy and relieved", reacted to AFP the captain of this ship, Ali Hajji, stating that the migrants "are very tired and want to enter Tunisia". This captain has not yet received authorization to dock at the port of Zarzis but "it will not be long after the announcement of the head of government," he added.

Libya aboard 'an inflatable boat, these migrants – originally from sub-Saharan Africa and Egypt – were lost at sea for five days before being spotted, on an unspecified date, by the ship Caroline III sent by a

This boat then called the coastguards of Italy, France and Malta, "who refused to welcome the survivors, claiming that the nearest ports were located in Tunisia", lamented in a Tunisian NGO communiqué

The migrants, including eight women, were finally taken in charge by the "Sarost 5". The NGOs denounced "the attitude of the Italian, Maltese and French governments", calling on the Tunisian authorities to welcome them.

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