Unusual – Siri interrupts British minister in parliament (video)


Speaking of Syria, parliamentarian Gavin Williamson inadvertently activated Siri in the middle of his speech.

On Tuesday afternoon, British Secretary of Defense Gavin Williamson unintentionally created the buzz on social networks following his intervention in the House of Commons. Referring to the situation in Syria, the politician was interrupted by Siri, who was beginning to tell him about the Syrian democratic forces.

When Siri interrupts as you're delivering a statement to Parliament … pic. twitter.com/NDsNUJDPV3

– BBC Parliament (@BBCParliament) July 3, 2018

There is no doubt that Apple's virtual badistant has heard the "Hey Siri" command, which is used to start, in the words of the parliamentarian. Mr. Williamson immediately turned off his cell phone and apologized for the incident. He even joked about it by declaiming "It is very rare that you are heckled by your own mobile phone, this is undoubtedly a new parliamentary convention."

A comical situation that may invite to be the Cupertino company to refine its speech recognition system …

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