After the children who land in their daddy's teacher's office while he's live on TV, the cat climbs on his master thinking that he's answering the questions of a Dutch channel. The scene, noticed by Mashable, took place during a very serious interview given by the Polish academic Jerzy Targalski to the program "Nieuwsuur" on judicial reforms in his country.
Unmoved, the historian barely tails the animal in front of his eyes while continuing to talk.
Polish historian and political scientist Jerzy Targalski remained completely unperturbed during our interview when this happened ??????????????? Rudy Bouma (@rudybouma) July 7, 2018
For pleasure, the interview of Robert Kelly disturbed by his children:
(The Morning)
Created: 09.07.2018, 21:35
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jQuery.ajax ({type: "POST", dataType: "json", cache: false, url: "/community/talkback_ajax.html", async: true, data: "action = talkback_phone_change & email =" + encodingURIComponent (fbFormN_email_phone_chnage) + "& customer_id =" + fbForm_customerId + "& pbadword =" + encodingURIComponent (fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage) + "& telephone =" + encodingURIComponent (fbFormN_telephone_change), error: function () { } success: function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { $ ("# commentError_email_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# fbFormN_email_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# commentError_telephone_change"). hide (); $ ("# fbFormN_telephone_change"). hide (); $ ("# commentError_pbadword_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# commentsForm_sms_change_veryfy"). hide ();
$ ("# fbFormN_sms_change_Ver"). show (); $ ("# commentsForm_sms_send_change_veryfy"). show ();
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } other { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// /
function comments_modifyForm_phone_change () {
var fbFormN_email_phone_chnage = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_email_phone_chnage"). val ()); var fbFormN_telephone_change = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_telephone_change"). val ()); var fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage"). val ()); var fbForm_customerId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_customerId"). val ());
jQuery.ajax ({type: "POST", dataType: "json", cache: false, url: "/community/talkback_ajax.html", async: true, data: "action = talkback_phone_change & email =" + encodingURIComponent (fbFormN_email_phone_chnage) + "& customer_id =" + fbForm_customerId + "& pbadword =" + encodingURIComponent (fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage) + "& telephone =" + encodingURIComponent (fbFormN_telephone_change), error: function () { } success: function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { $ ("# commentError_email_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# fbFormN_email_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# commentError_telephone_change"). hide (); $ ("# fbFormN_telephone_change"). hide (); $ ("# commentError_pbadword_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage"). hide (); $ ("# commentsForm_sms_change_veryfy"). hide ();
$ ("# fbFormN_sms_change_Ver"). show (); $ ("# commentsForm_sms_send_change_veryfy"). show ();
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } other { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// / function commentsForm_phone_change_sms_verify () { var fbFormN_email_phone_chnage = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_email_phone_chnage"). val ()); var fbFormN_telephone_change = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_telephone_change"). val ()); var fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_pbadword_phone_chnage"). val ()); var fbFormN_sms_change_Ver = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_sms_change_Ver"). val ()); var fbForm_customerId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_customerId"). val ());
jQuery.ajax ({type: "POST", dataType: "json", cache: false, url: "/community/talkback_ajax.html", async: true, data: "action = talkback_phone_change_sms_verify & email =" + encodeURIComponent (fbFormN_email_phone_chnage) + "& customer_id =" + fbForm_customerId + "& pbadword =" + encodeURIComponent (fbFormN_telephone_change) + "phone =" + encodeURIComponent (fbFormN_telephone_change) + "& code =" + encodeURIComponent (fbFormN_sms_change_Ver), error: function () { } success: function (data) { if (data.code == 1) { $ ("# commentError_sms_change_ver"). hide (); $ ("# fbFormN_sms_change_Ver"). hide (); $ ("# commentsForm_sms_send_change_veryfy"). hide (); $ ("# change_phonenumber"). hide ();
$ (# Comment_login_form & # 39;) show ();
setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } other { setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// / function commentsForm_sms_verify () { var fbFormN_firstName = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_firstName"). val ()); var fbFormN_surname = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_surname"). val ()); var fbFormN_telephone = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_telephone"). val ()); var fbFormN_email = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_email"). val ()); var fbForm_customerId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_customerId"). val ()); var fbForm_storyId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_storyId"). val ()); var fbFormN_smsVer = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_smsVer"). val ());
var hasErrors = false;
if (! hasErrors) {
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setMessageBox (data.message, data.addclbad); } } }); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// // swissnoise quiva function auto_login_quiva (data) { console.log ("quiva connection start"); user var = { "remoteId": data.uid, "username": data.user.email, "pbadword": data.pcr, "email": data.user.email, "firstName": data.user.first_name, "lastName": data.user.last_name, "zipCode": data.user.post_code, "locality": data.user.city, "phone number": data.user.mobile_number } whatif.login (user) .always (function () {
}); console.log ("login of quiva done"); } // swissish ending quiva
function auto_login_email (data) {
$ (". commentFBlogin"). hide ();
$ (". commentOhnelogin"). hide ();
var html = & # 39;
var name = data.user.first_name + & # 39; & # 39; + data.user.last_name;
html + = & # 39; Welcome, & # 39; + name + & # 39;
& # 39 ;;
html + = & # 39; Submit Comment ;
html + = & # 39; Disconnect
& # 39 ;;
html + = & # 39; Manage Profile & # 39 ;;
html + = & # 39; & # 39 ;;
html + = & # 39; & # 39 ;;
$ ("# commentLoggedInEmail"). html (html);
set_logged_in_cookie (data);
$ ("# commentLoggedInEmail"). show ();
////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// / function commentsForm_send_noFb () { var fbForm_message = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_message"). val ()); fbForm_message = fbForm_message.replace (/ & / g, "+"); var fbForm_uri = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_uri"). val ()); var fbForm_storyId = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_storyId"). val ()); var fbForm_ip = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_ip"). val ());
var is_logged_in = false; if ($ ("# is_logged_in"). length) { is_logged_in = true; }
var fbFormN_firstName = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_firstName"). val ()); var fbFormN_surname = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_surname"). val ()); var fbFormN_zip = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_zip"). val ()); var fbFormN_location = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_location"). val ()); var fbFormN_email = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_email"). val ()); var fbForm_msgID = $ .trim ($ ("# fbForm_msgID"). val ()); // if this value is> 0, it's a response message to another comment if ($ ("# fbFormN_pbadword"). length) { var fbFormN_pbadword = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_pbadword"). val ()); } if ($ ("# fbFormN_pbadword_confirm"). length) { var fbFormN_pbadword_confirm = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_pbadword_confirm"). val ()); }
var fbFormN_gotcha = $ .trim ($ ("# fbFormN_gotcha"). val ());
var hasErrors = false;
var messageReg = fbForm_message.length> 1; var nameReg =! (fbFormN_firstName.match (/ [*] /)) &&! (fbFormN_surname.match (/ [*] /)) && fbFormN_firstName.length> 1 && fbFormN_surname.length> 1; // do not check for ZIP, cause foreign countries // var locReg =! (fbFormN_zip.match (/ [*] /)) &&! (fbFormN_location.match (/ [*] /)) && fbFormN_zip.length> 1 && fbFormN_location.length> 1; var locReg =! (fbFormN_location.match (/ [*] /)) && fbFormN_location.length> 1; var emailRegObj = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+@([a-zA-Z0-9_.-])+.([a-zA-Z])+([a-zA-Z])+/; // /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-+])+@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+.)+(([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; var pbadword_params = '';
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if (emailRegObj.test (fbFormN_email) == false) { $ ("# commentError_email"). show (); hasErrors = true; }
if (fbFormN_gotcha.length> 1) { hasErrors = true; }
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$ ("# commentsForm_send"). attr ("disabled", "true"); $ ("# commentsForm_send_noFb"). attr ("disabled", "true"); save_form_to_cookie ('comment_form_input');
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////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / function commentsForm_send_email() { var fbForm_message = $.trim($("#fbForm_message").val()); fbForm_message = fbForm_message.replace(/&/g, "+"); var fbForm_uri = $.trim($("#fbForm_uri").val()); var fbForm_storyId = $.trim($("#fbForm_storyId").val()); var fbForm_customerId = $.trim($("#fbForm_customerId").val()); var fbForm_ip = $.trim($("#fbForm_ip").val()); var login_email_token = $.trim($("#login_email_token").val());
var is_logged_in = false; if ($("#is_logged_in").length) { is_logged_in = true; }
var fbFormN_email = $.trim($("#login_email_email").val()); var fbForm_msgID = $.trim($("#fbForm_msgID").val()); // if this value is > 0, its a reply-to-another-comment message
var fbFormN_gotcha = $.trim($("#fbFormN_gotcha").val());
var hasErrors = false;
var messageReg = fbForm_message.length > 1;
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if (messageReg == false) { $("#commentError_message").show(); hasErrors = true; }
if (fbFormN_gotcha.length > 1) { hasErrors = true; }
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/////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // some jquery UI functions function fbLoginDisplay(loginState) { $ (document) .ready (function () { if (loginState == true) { $(".notloggedToFacebook").hide(); $(".loggedToFacebook").show(); $('#commentsForm_send_noFb').hide(); $('#commentsForm_send').show(); $("#fbCommentPublishCheckbox").show(); $(".recommendCommentFacebook").show(); } other { $(".loggedToFacebook").hide(); $(".notloggedToFacebook").show(); $('#commentsForm_send').hide(); $('#commentsForm_send_noFb').show(); $("#fbCommentPublishCheckbox").hide(); $(".recommendCommentFacebook").hide(); if ($("#commentLoggedInEmail").length) { $("#commentLoggedInEmail").show(); } }}); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// function fbDomInsert(username, uid, token) { $ (document) .ready (function () { $("#fbUserRealName").html(username); var imgHtml= ""; $("#fbUserProfilePicture").html(imgHtml);
$("#fbForm_realName").val(username); $("#fbForm_userId").val(uid); $("#fbForm_userToken").val(token); }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// function loginDrop() { $ (document) .ready (function () { $('#commentLogin').slideDown(); $("textarea#fbForm_message").attr("rows", 6); $("#commentsForm_send").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#commentsForm_send_noFb").attr("disabled", ""); $("#commentsForm_send_email").removeAttr("disabled"); $("#fbForm_message").val(""); $('#fbForm_message').removeAttr("onclick"); }); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// function doOnFbConnect() { $(".recommendCommentFacebook").show(); // for comments below: display checkbox to choose if recommended comments get published on facebook }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////// function log(msg){ if (typeof console === 'undefined') { return false; } other { return true; } }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // main
// fb auth var fbAccessToken = ''; var fbUserID = ''; var fbUserName = ''; FBcomments.initFb(); var nnFBloggedIn = check_nnCookie(); if (nnFBloggedIn == true) { fbLoginDisplay(true);
} other { fbLoginDisplay(false); }
function inputFocus(thisFor, thisClbad) { $('#'+ thisFor).focus(function() { $('.'+ thisClbad).animate({ opacity: "0" }, "fast"); }).blur(function() { if($(this).val() == "") { $('.'+ thisClbad).animate({ opacity: "1" }, "fast"); } }); }
//// some more jquery stuff $ (document) .ready (function () { read_logged_in_cookie();
// hide 'populär auf facebook' widget in sideline //$("#fb_activityFeed").hide();
$('#fbFormN_pbadword_login').keypress(function(e){ if (e.which == 13){ e.preventDefault (); $(this).blur(); $('#commentsForm_post_confirmed').focus().click(); return false; } });
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// Bind to set the fadeout of form labels when clicked or focused $('.sbsLabel label').each(function () { var thisFor = $(this).attr('for'); var thisClbad = $(this).attr('clbad'); inputFocus(thisFor, thisClbad); });
// some form display handling $('#disclaimerButtonShow').bind('click', function(){ $('.disclaimerText').show(); $('#disclaimerButtonShow').css('display','none'); $('#disclaimerButtonHide').css('display','inline'); }); $('#disclaimerButtonHide').bind('click', function(){ $('.disclaimerText').hide(); $('#disclaimerButtonHide').css('display','none'); $('#disclaimerButtonShow').css('display','inline'); });
// display login data on start if ($("#fbUserRealName").html()) { if ($("#fbUserRealName").html().length >= 2){ // && $("textarea#fbForm_message").attr("rows") > 2 $("#fbCommentPublishCheckbox").show(); } }
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// set checkboxes $('#fbForm_publishOnFB').attr('checked', true); $('.recommendCommentPublishOnFb').attr('checked', true); $('#disclaimerConfirmBtn').attr('checked', false);
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$('#emailManageAccount').live('click', function () { var customer_id = $.trim($("#fbForm_customerId").val()); var login_email_email = $.trim($("#login_email_email").val()); var login_email_token = $.trim($("#login_email_token").val());
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