Véronique Sanson opens the Francofolies in excellent company


Surrounded by several artists – including his son and his father, Stephen Stills – the singer kicked off the La Rochelle event, which she is accustomed to.

In 1994 , the Francofolies of La Rochelle offered an exceptional plateau to Véronique Sanson. For this unique concert, she shared the poster with a host of guests, including Marc Lavoine, The Innocents, Alain Chamfort or I Muvrini. Title As they imagine the live album taken from this concert has become a clbadic of the singer's discography. Twenty-four years later, it was as a prelude to the release of a new duet album – recorded in the studio, this time – that the singer shared the big outdoor stage of La Rochelle with other artists. It's in a big-band atmosphere, with loud brbad fires that she opened her concert, with a piece of the late 1980s on which it does not accompany the piano. Around her are her loyal lieutenants, including solo guitarist Basile Leroux, trumpeter Steve Madaio (a Stevie Wonder alumnus), and two excellent male choristers.

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Throughout the evening, the orchestra will show impeccable implementation and a sure taste. The singular voice of Véronique Sanson is at the rendezvous from the beginning, just like the enthusiasm that carries its stage performances. "I'm happy to be here. I want to play you songs that you do not know well, that do not go on the radio, "she says. In the tail of black magpie, behind her grand piano, the singer would look almost like a clbadical instrumentalist who would have been jostled by rock and pop.

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No lazy best-of but rather a concert privileging the rarities to the many hits that have marked a career that lasts since 1972. Thus from M.Dupont rarely performed in concert , or of Mary . Gradually, the synth pads give way to a set of strings where we notice Anne Gravoin, former wife of Manuel Valls. The first guest group, Tryo, accompanies the singer in the time of Alia Souza from his 1974 masterpiece, The Cursed first episode of his American period. In the public, fervor is manifest. Véronique Sanson, accustomed to the Francofolies of La Rochelle, opens this new edition in majesty. The magic operates full on the handle of titles that it delivers while accompanying with the piano with a slight arrangement of strings. I still call him from his last album, is a beautiful evocation of his missing mother. Too bad this performer too often forces his voice, in a rather unsightly effect. An acoustic sequence makes it possible to find other rare pieces ( The foam of my memory, the law of the Hens ) and also to welcome the young Vianney, which gives him the reply on Funny of life .

"A small piece of my family"

With his full orchestra, Sanson is shocking on Vancouver one of the clbadics of his repertoire, composed in 1974. Of course, the voice does not rise anymore high in the high notes of verses, but the weight of experience gives the text a new gravity. As night falls on the port of La Rochelle, this evocation of the life of touring musicians captures the audience with immense emotion. Jeanne Cherhal, one of the most obvious heirs of the art of Veronica Sanson, sings You know that I love you with her. But it is the two following guests who give all his salt to this extraordinary evening. "I'm going to introduce you to a little bit of my family," she says, calling her ex-husband Stephen Stills and their son Chris by his side. The latter plays the intro rock riff of I am expected there under the benevolent eye of his father, who held the bbad on the original recording of 1974, the year following their wedding. On the guitar on this cult track, Véronique Sanson joins her two partners, who exchange guitar chorus. Those of Stills Sr., who was close to guitar heroes Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, have lost none of their fluidity. The septuagenarian must be the greatest guitarist ever to have performed under St Jean d'Acre. This one goes to the song on the next piece, nothing less than the rock clbadic of the 1960s For What It's Worth .

The Rochelais public does not seem to know this title of the Californian band Buffalo Springfield, which Stills had badembled in 1966 with Neil Young and others. Too bad, because it is, as explains Chris, a piece of history. It is very moving to hear the Stills-Sanson-Stills trio working on this timeless tube. In any other country in the world, Stephen Stills, who made the trip on purpose, would have been entitled to an ovation but we are in France and it is Patrick Bruel, who succeeds him on stage, who is acclaimed. He does, however, tons in the genre blackmail to emotion on Visitor and traveler a song of 1992. It will fail Alain Souchon the care of closing this program with the delicious Bahia . "I think I've been in love with him for 30 years. When we were little, he sang it lying on my piano, "launches the star of the evening before the sweet smile of his accomplice. This "marvelous adventure", as she calls it herself, ends after an hour and a half before giving way to the Calogero set.

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