VIDEO – "America's Got Talent": A trapeze artist unleashes his partner in the void


UNUSUAL – The show "America's Got Talent" fell to the verge of a terrible drama on Tuesday night, when a trapeze artist released his partner in front of the jury and his own daughter, present in the

– Jerome Vermelin

Big fright, Tuesday night, in the last episode of the show "America's Got Talent", the US version of "The France has an incredible talent, "aired on the NBC channel. Mary and Tyce, a couple of trapeze artists, appeared before the judges to perform a spectacular number, above a scene on fire.

Small peculiarity: Monsieur is blind in one eye, victim of a degenerative disease. The case is going to be tough when he decides to fully blindfold his eyes before setting himself in position to catch up with his companion, placed above him. A shiver runs through the audience. And suddenly, the drama …

At the moment fateful, Tyce lets out the hands of Mary who falls into the void and collapses on the ground, head first, under the horrified gaze of the jury, whose is part of Spice Girl Mel B. But also of Jaxx, the 2-year-old girl of the trapeze artist, coiled in the arms of her grandmother.

After a few moments of general panic, the young woman stands up, visibly unhurt . Her companion joins her and kisses her … before she offers to repeat the number! The jury, of course, protests. And decides, despite this accident, to offer them their ticket for the rest of the program.

Jérôme Vermelin

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