Violent collaborator of Macron: the Elysée tries to stop the bronca


 Violent collaborator of Macron: the Elysée tries to stop the bronca "title =" Violent collaborator of Macron: the Elysée tries to stop the bronca "/>

<p> Alexandre Benalla (d), responsible for the safety of Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign, on March 1, 2017 at the Agricultural Show in ParisLionel BONAVENTURE </p>
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The presidency was struggling on Thursday to cut short the bronca caused by a video showing a collaborator of Emmanuel Macron hitting a demonstrator on May 1, which triggered the opening of a preliminary investigation for violence and usurpation of function.

The fire left the site of the World who put online Wednesday night a video filmed by a protester at the Place de la Contrescarpe in Paris, where a man, identified as Alexandre Benalla, wearing a helmet with a visor of the police, attacks a young man on the ground

The images triggered outrage left and right

Emmanuel Macron, traveling in the Dordogne refused to answer questions. Questioned by a journalist asking him if the Republic was "tainted" by this affair, he just replied: "no, no, it is unalterable!"

The spokesman of the Elysee Bruno Roger-Petit said that Alexandre Benalla, chargé de mission to the chief of staff of the presidency at the time of the facts, quickly received "the most serious sanction ever pronounced against a chargé de mission working at the Elysée."

It was " laid off for fifteen days with suspension of salary "and" dismissed from his duties in the organization of the President's travel security ", to" punish unacceptable behavior ". It is "a last warning before dismissal," he said.

The Paris prosecutor opened a preliminary investigation for "violence by person charged with a public service mission", "usurpation of functions" and "usurpation of signs reserved to the public authority"

– "Observer" –

The police prefecture emphasized that "it is not uncommon for it to receive for short periods" persons exterior. Helmets and bulletproof vests are provided, but they "must be confined to an observer role."

In the National Assembly, the Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet spoke of "absolutely unsuitable acts". The entourage of the Minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb made no comment.

According to Bruno Roger-Petit, Alexandre Benalla had been "authorized", at his request, "to observe the operations of maintenance of order for the May 1st ", on" a day of rest ".

But by participating" physically "," he largely exceeded this authorization ", and was" immediately summoned "by his hierarchy.

A second man also "exceeded his authorization," revealed the spokesman of the Elysee. Vincent Crase, Reservist Constable and LREM employee, also received a "fifteen-day suspension with pay suspension", and "he was also terminated any collaboration between him and the Presidency of the Republic".

The controversy quickly swelled in the political clbad, even in the party of the president. LREM deputy Laurent Saint-Martin said that Alexander Benalla should "no longer work at the Elysee" because "he failed", while considering that the Elysee has had the "good reflex" by downgrading quickly. 19659003] – "To show the example" –

On the right, the president of Republicans (LR) Laurent Wauquiez summoned Emmanuel Macron to "express itself", asking in particular if there were "maneuvers" for " to smother the business.

"This is not the kind of house," said the leader of LREM deputies Richard Ferrand.

Same request for clarification left: for the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure, Mr. Benalla must "be accountable to the courts".

"Why the police let it go? Why justice has not been seized? Why Emmanuel Macron was content with a layoff? What does this nervi in ​​the security at the Elysee? questioned the LFI deputy Eric Coquerel

The spokesman of the National Assembly (RN, former FN) Sébastien Chenu saw "a signal of total disconnection of Emmanuel Macron and his court" with the French, also considering that this case "hurts the forces of order."

"When we are at the Elysee we must show the example and today the feeling we have is that at the Elysee We believe ourselves above all, "summarized Mr. Wauquiez.

Alexandre Benalla was a member of the order service of François Hollande during the campaign of 2012. Its effectiveness was very appreciated during Emmanuel's campaign. Macron. He has since been seen often with the president. Images of BFMTV showed him in the bus of the Blues on the Champs-Elysees on Monday.

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