Wall Street, Weighted by Some Disappointing Results, Ends Down


Investments / Markets

The New York Stock Exchange ended in the red on Thursday in a market raking some profits after several encouraging sessions and freshly welcoming the results of several leading companies. Its leading index, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, lost 0.53% to 25.064.50 points after five consecutive sessions of increase.

The Nasdaq, with strong technological component, yielded 0.37% to 7.825.30 points

The broad index S & P 500 fell 0.40% to 2,804.49 points.

The session was marked Thursday by the decline, after the release of their quarterly results, the issuer of cards American Express (-2.73%) and Travelers insurer (-3.71%), two members of the Dow Jones, as well as aluminum producer Alcoa (-13.34%) and online sales eBay (-10.12%).

Their figures were received freshly by investors while "as a whole, the market has done much better than expected" since the start of the season results , said CFRA's Sam Stovall

This performance is to be credited according to him "the ability of corporate management to better steer the attacks badysts "," major share buyback programs "and" the soundness of the economy ". "The big question seems to be determining the robustness of growth in the second quarter, whether GDP will reach 4%, or even exceed them."

In this context, large Wall Street indexes "have come a long way in a short time, leaving them vulnerable to a bit of profit-taking," said Patrick O'Hare of Briefing, noting that the Nasdaq had already risen 4.6% since the beginning of the year. month, the Dow Jones 3.8% and the S & P 500 3.6%.

The bond market was relaxing: the yield on the US 10-year debt fell to 2.837%, against 2.869% Wednesday at the close , and the 30 year old at 2.958%, against 2.986% the day before.

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