Wallonia: a permit will now be needed to hold an animal


By Belga

The Walloon government finally adopted on Thursday the Animal Welfare Code, which aims to ensure the protection and well-being of

L The Walloon Government finally adopted on Thursday the Animal Welfare Code, which aims to ensure the protection and welfare of animals, taking into account their physiological and ethological needs as well as their roles in society and the environment

Comprising 12 chapters and 109 articles, this code, carried by Regional Minister Carlo Di Antonio (CDH), deals with the detention of animals, prohibited practices and authorized interventions on the latter, their trade, their transport and their introduction on the Walloon territory, their killing, the experiments practiced on them as well as the control, research, observation, prosecution, of the r

Following the coming into force of this Code, Article 1 of which states that the animal is a sensitive animal, a license will now be required to hold an animal. Abandonment, neglect and abuse shall be prohibited, as well as the restriction of their freedom of movement.

The identification and registration of dogs and cats will also be compulsory, subject to certain conditions and the contribution requested from the owner at the time of registration will contribute to a Shelter Abuse and Abuse Protection Fund from which shelters will be able to benefit.

Abuse severely punished

It will also be forbidden to organize fights or animal shooting exercises and the fairgrounds will be banned. Finally, animal abuse will be severely punished in Wallonia, the criminal nature of the facts may be retained for the most serious cases of abuse.

The text must still be submitted to the vote of the Parliament of Wallonia before its entry into force. 19659012] if (typeof (cookie_consent_social) === 'undefined' || checkCookieConsent ('social')) {
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