Weather: A sunny and dry Sunday



The weather will be generally sunny this afternoon, despite the presence of some cloudy fields, provides the Royal Meteorological Institute (MRI).

In a moderate north-to-north-easterly wind, the maximum temperatures will be a little lower than the previous days and will vary around 21 ° C in the Ardennes, 24 ° C at sea and 26 or 27 ° C elsewhere. in the country. The weather will remain dry during the night, with minimum temperatures ranging from 9 ° C in Hautes-Fagnes to 15 ° C at the coast, in a generally weak north wind.

Monday, the day will begin under high clouds, then medium and low clouds will also return to the territory. A downpour will be possible in the far east, while elsewhere the risk of precipitation will remain limited. The maxima will vary around 19 or 20 ° C in the Ardennes, 21 ° C on the coast and 25 or 26 ° C in the rest of the country. The wind will be moderate north sector.

The weather looks cooler Tuesday, with highs of 15 to 18 ° C in the Ardennes and 18 to 21 ° C elsewhere, and a risk of some showers.

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