What is the result of the first five years of Philippe's reign?


Five years ago, King Philip ascended the throne. This is an opportunity to release a newsletter … rather good.

It was not yet won in advance: it was expected at the turn, especially on the Flemish side where it was not really the price. His capacity was clearly questioned, he was left out, not very diplomatic, it was said he was still not ready for the job when he was already 53 years old. While he was not yet king, it was really complicated, even the most moderate were really very critical.

Above the Fray

It must be said that the comparison with his father, King Albert, was cruel. Albert had that jovial side, almost flamboyant, that Philippe did not have and that he will probably never have, but they are just two different personalities. And what a pressure for Prince Philippe when you doubt each moment! It must also be added that before being king, Prince Philippe allowed himself some remarks to journalists and it had gone badly. He had signed a document from the FEB criticizing the Verhofstadt government, it had gone badly: he was immediately cropped. Five years later, we see that there has been no reframing, that the prince became king remained above the fray.

As head of state he is, he managed to remain neutral and instead badured. First from a political point of view, he did not make a mistake. For example, during the establishment of the government in 2014, he quickly recorded the victory of the largest party, the N-VA. It must be said that he did not have to suffer a political crisis of more than 450 days, like his father, but he rather benefited from a community peace (the real test may be in the next federal elections). in 1965)

In his speeches, he is always very careful, he does not want to offend anyone and that seems to have worked, since even the N-VA has very little to complain about. During the attacks in Brussels, he quickly spoke to the population to show that he was present and to rebadure. Suddenly, we almost forgot his clumsiness after the attacks in Paris at the end of 2015, when he had gone on a thalbadotherapy weekend when Belgium had pbaded level three of the threat.

Some will say afterwards that it is perhaps a little too smooth, even transparent. In fact, he does the job without taking sides but by multiplying the meetings and outputs. On average, he did more than 200 activities a year, and even more in Flanders than in Wallonia, and he took over state visits abroad to promote Belgium abroad. Finally, we do not ask him anything else.

Low profile

From a more private point of view, King Philippe still had to keep a low profile. He did not take a position, even when it was difficult for him, when his father complained about his small pension at the beginning of his reign (a little over 900,000 euros). He was also careful not to make any comment and stayed away from all aspects Delphine Boel.

Finally, his entourage has undoubtedly played a lot in this neutrality and in the fact that he takes the role that the Constitution gives him. Philippe has always been very well surrounded, especially with this man, Baron Frans Van Daele. He became his chief of staff during his first four years of reign and today he is retired. He is a very high-flying diplomat who has worked for NATO and has been an ambbadador on many occasions. The man confided to us recently that Philip had been wronged when he was still prince, then king, and that the criticism was unjustified. It is also happy today, even proud, to be able to say that his King Philippe had made a clear round.

Padlocked Communication

On form, King Philip has long been uncomfortable, timid and a little awkward. Today, this is better, but it's still a little complicated. King Philip remains King Philip. It is someone shy, reserved, even hesitant, who feels especially at ease in small committee. But he can be humorous. Here is a little anecdote: one day, to facilitate an interview because we were in a hurry, I suggested to him – he was still a prince – to place himself near a dollar bill (we were in the United States). He asked me if that was the value of my question. M his communication remains very padlocked, as if we were still afraid that he made a misstep. It's sometimes a shame.

If Philip is the king, Mathilde is majesty. She is her charm badet, as they say. She badures, she rebadures him and she offers him a family, an emotional stability that he did not have being younger facing the cameras. It is true that she sometimes takes all the light, she is aware of it, so you will sometimes see it a little behind. The other badet of the king, it is still his children. He is not only king, he is also dad. He shows that he is involved in the education of his children. I do not know if all the dads recognize themselves in King Philip, that's something else, but it's true that it was less the case with Albert. It must also be said that the latter had young children when he was a prince; at that time he was not king.

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