What will the summer tube look like in 2042? Discover it in preview! (VIDEO)



Trailing or scary according to you?

What will we dance to in 2042? This is the question asked by Michael Boumendile, director of the Sixième Son agency which, as explained by RTL France, is known to have created the jingle of the SNCF.

For the program "Le Journal du Futur ", which proposes fictions of anticipations, Michael Boumendile created the song" T ++ "which could well resemble the archetype of the sound of summer in a not so distant future.

We leave you the listen:

As explained Le Parisien " this title was made thanks to several computers equipped with artificial intelligence that capture the musical trends on social networks and the mood of Internet users "

Today, the duration of a hit does not exceed six to eight weeks, which corresponds perfectly to the summer period. There is no reason for it to change in the future, but Michael Boumendile says that we will live in a time of "ultra-zapping", which explains its very short duration (54 seconds).

If Proposed rhythms actually smell the sandy beach and the seaside, do not believe that the lyrics are in Portuguese! They are indeed sung in a lanque that does not exist. A kind of "musical esperanto" whose dynamism and good humor are the main reasons for making the song more accessible to the world

See you in 34 years to check the charts !

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